The meaning of an overpaid Lego plastic Colosseum in the Romana Marmora exhibition

The meaning of an overpaid Lego plastic Colosseum in the Romana Marmora exhibition
The meaning of an overpaid Lego plastic Colosseum in the Romana Marmora exhibition

The choice of Serena Arrighi’s administration to purchase a “Lego Colosseum” to be placed inside the exhibition “Romana Marmora. Stories of emperors, gods and quarrymen” of Carmi at first glance, for those who read the determination published in the Praetorian Notice Board, appears rather bizarre. Among ancient finds and marble statues of plastic bricks? But what’s the point? Doubt overcomes me, then I think that there must be a valid reason for this decision. Carrara is a UNESCO Creative City and its talented managers and directors, who approved the purchase of a Lego game, are serious, qualified and competent people. This is stuff for creatives, not for the first person who passes by Via Roma!

Yes… precisely Rome. It is said that all roads lead to it, even those of Luni, where, as luck would have it, there is an amphitheater from the Roman era which in terms of fame is certainly not comparable to Colosseum. But considering the ancient route that led from the Apuan quarries to Portos Lunae and what a Luni is one of the sections of the exhibition itinerary of the exhibition in question, perhaps it would have been more appropriate to create a project, perhaps in collaboration with the Academy, dedicated to the Luni amphitheater which, without a shadow of a doubt, is more similar and connected to the territory rather than diverting the choice towards the inflated Colosseum.

Continuing to read the public deed, it becomes clear that Lego it is preparatory to teaching young visitors, who should delight in the construction of the reproduction of the Colosseum composed of 9,000 bricks (one of the largest Lego sets) and therefore, given the number of pieces to be assembled and the degree of difficulty of the assembly, one might think that the unaware child would have to remain confined inside the Carmi for the entire duration of the exhibition in order to complete the work (from May 2024 to January 2025). More than Night at the Museum!

Jokes aside, let’s continue decoding the determination and discover the amount committed for the purchase of the game: 829.99 euros. A figure well above the price indicated (for the same Colosseum set) on the Lego website, i.e. 549.99 euros. An increase of 280.00 euros which, wanting to play the role of devil’s advocate, is justified (perhaps) by the fact that the Colosseum set on the official website is sold out. Drawing the conclusions it turns out that Lego is more suitable for one than for an archaeological exhibition Comics & Games fairin this specific case it is: out of place, unsuitable as regards the context, didactically questionable and unequivocally expensive.

Excesses and paradoxes worthy of ancient Rome? One thing is certain, this Lego does not connect with the Carmi exhibition.

The journey within the determination (Romana Marmora. Stories of Emperors, Gods and Quarrymen. Supply of Lego Colosseum) has thus concluded and, with a typical vision of the serial improviser, I am reminded of the childish fear that Carrara from being a world city of marble wants to transform itself into Carrara, the world capital of Lego. We’ll see.

From Marmora to Legora the step is short. All the more!

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