Trani, the 3 blue sails confirmed in the Legambiente and Touring Club blue guide to the city in search of redemption

Trani, the 3 blue sails confirmed in the Legambiente and Touring Club blue guide to the city in search of redemption
Trani, the 3 blue sails confirmed in the Legambiente and Touring Club blue guide to the city in search of redemption

TRANI – The city will confirm last year’s three “sails” in the Blue Guide of Legambiente and Touring club, “but what is being done here is worth another half”. The anticipation and applause comes from Daniela Salzedo, regional president of Legambiente, present the other morning in Trani on the occasion of the start of the demolition of the former Angelini distillery to favor in its place a large park and social residential buildings .

REDEMPTION AND SUSTAINABILITY A place materially affected by a great regeneration, but also symbolically of redemption after the many dark decades during which the distillery had held an entire neighborhood hostage.

All this one step away from a sea that has never been seen so blue as the morning before yesterday, confirming the incredible tourist potential that this place could determine, giving value to the entire city.

For this reason Legambiente, whose activists from Trani fought against the still functioning distillery over thirty years ago, today winks at the park which will be together with the three “sails” not only the symbol of a clean sea, but of a city as a whole organized and sustainable.

And Trani, despite the many persistent problems, tries to march in that direction. «With the demolition of the distillery, all citizens and our children win – underlines Salzedo -. We have put up with an eco-monster for years, but now we entrust them with a serious and sustainable project. In Trani we are giving the right dimension to the future thanks to a different vision of the territory.”

TREES and urban greenery, ACHILLES’ HEEL Yet the municipal administration of Trani, which was the protagonist of this great urban planning change, is the same one criticized by many for the alleged, indiscriminate and unmotivated cutting of trees in the city.

Salzedo nods, shrugs his shoulders but explains: «It happens everywhere and we are inundated with reports and complaints from those who believe that the municipalities are committing havoc. Our duty is to help them plan concrete and achievable public green plans, and we will do this by presenting a shared and structured project next autumn.”

NOT JUST DIFFERENTIATED Lights and shadows. On the one hand the environmental fight against a polluting industry, on the other the little greenery, but still a common “recycler” for separate waste collection.

Trani has been first in the Bat and among the provincial capitals for three consecutive years: why, then, does it not yet have its fourth sail? «Because separate waste collection is only one parameter, albeit a central one, in our evaluations – replies the regional manager of Legambiente -. What matters above all is the welcome and services for tourists, which not only Trani, but many other important centres, are still lacking. But it is also true that, if you are not able to explain to users how to separate waste collection, you can run the risk (as happened to Margherita di Savoia with the blue flag, ed.) of being relegated in the rankings.”

GOLETTA AND HARP As for Goletta verde, the glorious Green Swan sailing ship that circumnavigates Italy and documents the quality of the sea, this year it will not be in Trani, nor in the other coastal municipalities of the Bat, but will continue to take samples of sea water along the coast and, above all, at the mouths of rivers and canals, to continue its denunciation and awareness-raising activities towards the municipalities.

«Arpa monitors bathing waters and we other places – clarifies Salzedo -, but on other battles, such as eco-mafia and ecoreats, we and Arpa are arm in arm: the objectives are common and we carry them forward with great commitment».

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