Ugl Matera present at the “Culture is… Civil Protection” project.

“We support the importance of promoting and nurturing the culture of civil protection both within the institutional system, called to govern emergency situations, and among citizens, in particular among the youngest, in whom it is necessary to invest to achieve that change of sensitivity necessary to face the challenges of both today and tomorrow”. This was declared by the Provincial Secretary of Ugl Matera, Pino Giordano and Maristella Pace, Zonal Manager of Ugl Policoro, taking part in the Final Event of the Training Project ‘Culture is… Civil Protection’ presented at the PalaErcole of Policoro (MT) by the students of the IIS ‘Pitagora’ and the IC 2 ‘John Paul II’. For the trade unionists, “young people have well represented and brought to a conclusion the project of education, training and education in risk awareness and attitude towards resilience for sustainable visibility. Promote the culture of safety and increase the resilience of Lucanian citizens starting from the world of school, first training teachers and then cascading students of institutes of all levels. The event opened with greetings from ‘Always Volcanic’ Headmaster of the IIS Pitagora and the IC 2 ‘Giovanni Paolo II’ of Policoro, Prof. Maria Carmela Stigliano, the participation of not only the Ugl Matera, the Mayor of Policoro Enrico Bianco, the UST Matera director Rosaria Chancellor, the Local Police Commander of Policoro, Maj. Rosa Silletti and illustrious guests. There are 24 schools involved – continue Giordano and Pace – who have carried out educational and teaching activities on these topics in previous experiences, in turn, during the school year they will transfer them to the students to raise their awareness of civil protection issues. For the Ugl this is a strategic project as the school represents the natural environment in which to spread the culture of prevention and safety, but above all awareness of the risks linked to the fragility of the territory in which we live, in light of the attributable implications to climate change and potential emergencies that may occur. Another strong point of the project concerns the synergy created with other institutional entities. The school and university environments represent the ideal places in which to structure, articulate and deepen the culture of social protection and security, so that in the new generations – add Pace and Giordano – these concepts are well rooted and become real lifestyles . The general aims and objectives that must be intended to be pursued, for the Ugl must be of a greater sense of responsibility towards the protection, safety of oneself and others and awareness of the risks existing in the living and working environments and the ability to face them right from the start. from school age. For the Ugl Matera a huge applause must go to the Director Stigliano because she has always highlighted what our OS has always supported, that is, continuous transversal training from school to the world of work: specific training of students, of a group of teachers on protection and safety at work and educational activities related to social security issues. For the UGL it is necessary to ensure safety, which also means investing in safety from an economic point of view. The Matera Ugl – conclude Giordano and Pace – relaunches the #worktolive campaign, through demonstrations and mobilisations like this one in Policoro, where it wants to bring the dramatic phenomenon of the so-called ‘white deaths’ to the attention of public opinion and institutions and no more accidents at work. There is still a lot to do regarding safety at work: the linear cuts to investments in worker safety, the widespread scourge of undeclared work, the progressive raising of the retirement age, the absence of controls in subcontracting are various reasons and these can certainly be among the main causes that lead us to this no longer tolerable situation.”

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