conference on publishing at the Academy in Carrara for the exhibition I storie dell’arte

conference on publishing at the Academy in Carrara for the exhibition I storie dell’arte
conference on publishing at the Academy in Carrara for the exhibition I storie dell’arte

A multi-voiced conference on the fascinating world of art publishing accompanied by an exhibition of student works is the program of the next appointment with Stories of art 2024, an exhibition curated by Gerardo de Simone, which will take place on Tuesday 28 May starting from 10 am in the premises of the Library of the Academy of Fine Arts of Carrara. The exhibition, which hosts the works of 13 publishing students, will be visible until June 4th. Conceived by Miriana Pino, teacher and head of the School of Art Graphics, with the collaboration of Michela Corsini, Director of the library of the Academy of Fine Arts of Carrara, the IMPRINT initiative also includes the participation of Gianluigi Bellucci (Academy of Fine Arts , L’Aquila), and Giovanni Timpani (Academy of Fine Arts, Perugia), experts in the field of printing art. These visionaries will explore the intersection of print, materials and new technologies, opening new perspectives and inspiring innovations in the industry. The conference will be introduced by institutional greetings from the President Prof. Antonio Passa.

IMPrinT it is the acronym for “International Multi-disciplinary Printmaking and Techniques”, but it also wants to suggest imprint and printing. The teachers of the graphics school will have the opportunity to let the students explore the ancient and new world; the latter will have the opportunity to deal with the reality and meticulousness of the research of each individual engraving artist.
Art publishing– explains Professor Pino- it is a bridge between the imaginary and tangible reality, a means through which art spreads and is handed down over time. In this fascinating and nuanced context, we will focus on the exploration of editorial and artistic portfolios, as well as volumes of high cultural level, to fully understand the crucial role they play in the field of contemporary art.”. Art but also planning in the typographic field, seduction of the creation and combination of materials with a strong synesthetic value (papers, inks, colours) will be the topics of the conference meeting which can also be followed online“. The conference– continues Miriana Pinoit aims to be a powerful antidote to the boring monotony that is still encountered in many editions, in many books that are shrouded in the shadow of the stereotypical prefabricated modeling of word processing automation.

Stories of Art 2024

Series of meetings and screenings with artists, authors,

curators and cultural personalities

Curator of “The Tales of Art”

Prof. Gerardo de Simone

Interventions Imprint:

Director of the Library of the Academy of Fine Arts

of Carrara: Dr Michela Corsini

Head of the School of Art Graphics

Prof Miriana Pino

Academy of Fine Arts of Perugia

Prof. Giovanni Timpani

Academy of Fine Arts of L’Aquila

Prof. Gianluigi Bellucci

Students on display

  1. Ana Maria Nistor _ Identification
  2. Federica Bodda_ Physical Tissue
  3. Andrea Spezia_ The Author’s Suicide
  4. Enrico Bani _ Ante Litteram_
  5. Giuseppe De Filippi_Idealis Urbe
  6. Eva Vaira _ Anxiety
  7. Meow Ma _Notes
  8. Nicoletta Boschi _ Shadows
  9. Giorgia Rodeano_ Black sheep
  10. Federica Cela_ Get Punched,

Evolution? game over.

  1. Francesca Amadeo_Golden balls_ Recipe book
  2. Irene Cordoni_ Eye(s) on the flowers
  3. Susanna Guidi_ Maps
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