TgR Lombardia – Gasperini towards staying at Atalanta, official press release tomorrow

TgR Lombardia – Gasperini towards staying at Atalanta, official press release tomorrow
TgR Lombardia – Gasperini towards staying at Atalanta, official press release tomorrow

Naples transfer market – From Bergamo they confirm that Gian Piero Gasperini he shouldn’t land at Napoli. The coach would have chosen to stay at Atalanta after the meeting with the Percassi family. Here’s what our colleagues report TGR Lombardy:

“There is an air of contract renewal in Bergamo, where Atalanta president Percassi and coach Gasperini met in recent hours. The two met in a restaurant in the city, and according to rumors they talked about the future and also of the rose.

Therefore, if everything seems to be moving towards a confirmation of the happy marriage between the Goddess and the Europa League coach, the temptation for Napoli for the coach from Grugliasco seems to be receding. But an official statement should arrive only today (Saturday).

In the evening the top management left the headquarters of his group in via Paglia on foot from a secondary exit, while around a quarter past seven in the evening the technician passed by by car, followed by Percassi’s driver.
As mentioned, it is unlikely that the company will issue any announcements regarding the outcome of the match before Saturday afternoon. However, talks for the renewal of the contract expiring in 2025 with the option for another year have already been underway since the day after winning the Europa League in Dublin: the coach and president have already met at the headquarters in Zingonia.” has been selected by the new Google service, if you want to always be updated on the latest news follow us on Google News

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