Piedmont weather, rain and hail are not over yet. Here’s when the bad weather will end – Turin News

Hail (lots and lots) Wednesday. Hail (a little less) yesterday. Rain? Practically always. What is happening in the skies above Turin and Piedmont? And above all, when will the good weather finally end and arrive?

We asked Paolo Corazzonmeteorologist of the specialized site 3Bweather, from which unfortunately we did not receive the desired response: In fact, it will take a few more days before we see the end of the wave of bad weather. «In fact, this month of May is causing us harm – she explains with a smile – instability which is affecting not only Turin and Piedmont, but all of northern Italy, is due to the collision between two different air masses. A cold which comes from France and one hot which comes from the Mediterranean”.

When will we see the sun again? «Actually soon – explains Corazzon – because we will have unstable weather for several more days, I think at least until June. This does not mean that we will have rain and hail every day but that there will be a alternation of situations. We could have sudden storms, perhaps lasting only half an hour on otherwise clear days. But there could still be severe storms, with intense rainfall. It could also hail again.”


Harp Piedmont has already reported that this is the wettest spring in the last 70 years. And he had done it before the last two intense rainfalls, which have further adjusted the record upwards. What is happening to the climate? “In the past April and May were always among the rainiest months of the year – recalls Corazzon – then in recent years we have become accustomed to a almost summer heat. Now it seems that he has returned to the May of the past but with much more violent rainfall, of a different intensity compared to that of the past. The reality is that they are simply all signs of climate change».

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