Barletta weather, the forecast for tomorrow Saturday 25 May


They are expected on Saturday 25 May in Barletta weather conditions variable with overcast skies and scattered clouds during the day. Temperatures will oscillate between +16.6°C and +23.2°C, with a slightly lower thermal sensation. The wind will blow at variable speed, with light and moderate gusts, mainly coming from northern directions.

In detail, during the morning clouds will be scattered with cloud cover ranging from 23% to 47%. Temperatures will remain around +19.8°C at 06:00, then gradually rise to +23.2°C at 10:00. The wind will be a light breeze coming from the North East, with an intensity between 2.9km/h and 15.3km/h.

In the afternoon, the weather pattern will change slightly as cloud cover increases, reaching 97% at 1 p.m. The possibility of light rain is expected between 2pm and 5pm, with variable intensity. Temperatures will remain around +23°C, while the wind will increase slightly in intensity, with gusts of up to 24.8km/h.

In evening, the sky will remain overcast with a probability of light rain that will remain around 99%. Temperatures will be around +16.6°C, while the wind will blow with an intensity between 16.8km/h and 27km/h, coming from western directions.

In conclusion, the forecast for Saturday 25 May in Barletta they indicate a day with overcast skies, scattered clouds and possible light rain in the afternoon. Temperatures will remain rather mild, with winds of variable intensity. It is advisable to pay attention to weather changes and be prepared for any precipitation during the day.

All the weather data for Saturday 25 May in Barletta

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