Ravenna weather, the forecast for tomorrow Saturday 25 May


Saturday 25 May in Ravenna promises to be a day characterized by changing weather conditions. The first hours of the day will be characterized by overcast skies with cloud cover varying between 72% and 100%. Temperatures will remain around +15°C during the night, and then gradually rise until reaching i +22°C during the morning.

During the morning and early afternoon, the scattered clouds will tend to thin out, leaving room for clear spells, but in the early afternoon the arrival of light rain is expected which could persist until the evening. Precipitation could reach a maximum intensity of 0.58mm.

In the late afternoon and evening, the sky will be overcast again with the probability of light rain. Temperatures will remain around +20°C during the afternoon, and then drops slightly to +16°C in the evening.

Humidity conditions will remain high throughout the day, with values ​​ranging between 55% and 88%. Atmospheric pressure will remain stable around 1016-1017hPa.

In conclusion, Saturday 25 May in Ravenna is expected to be a day with alternating sunny spells and light rain, with pleasant temperatures that will remain at spring values. It is advisable to pay attention to precipitation, which may affect outdoor activities. Stay updated for any changes in forecast of the next few days in Ravenna.

All the weather data for Saturday 25 May in Ravenna

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