Picardi: we need a new court but we need to move immediately – Teramo

Picardi: we need a new court but we need to move immediately – Teramo
Picardi: we need a new court but we need to move immediately – Teramo

TERAMO. «Teramo needs a new court because the justice system can never ignore human resources and judicial buildings»: very sharp eyes are always needed to understand the changing world. Especially in this Italy where, between continuous justice reforms and long trial times, everything ends up in court: from condominium disputes to civil rights, Italians delegate daily life to magistrates in a growing trend. ANDctor Picardi since 2021 he has been a prosecutor in Teramo. A long-time magistrate with a passion for poetry and theatre, he knows how to combine the rigor of codes with the ethics of values. He is deeply convinced of one thing and reiterates it several times: “Never forget that the rules serve to accommodate everyone’s rights.” Who works in the courts, who ends up there, who we turn to.
In the debate opened by the Bar Association on the need for a new courthouse in the capital, the prosecutor’s voice opens up new horizons and above all launches the challenge of the times. «I agree on the need for a new court that has adequate space», he says, «I also believe that we must have the courage to be visionary and start as soon as possible because it will not be a short process. When this courthouse was designed there were four deputies in the Prosecutor’s Office, today there are nine. Not to mention all the other magistrates. This building is certainly a magnificent architectural reality, but today the spaces are totally inadequate for the daily needs of all operators and users of the justice system. During the various meetings that have taken place in the recent past at ministerial level to ask for more magistrates and staff, we have had positive indicators on the idea of ​​a new court.” In recent days the Bar Association, through its president Antonio Lessiani launched the idea of ​​a Citadel of law, connected to the Faculty of Law, making three proposals which envisage the use of already existing structures: the municipal warehouses in Madonna delle Grazie, whose use, among other things, was hypothesized when the Last year there was talk of moving offices and classrooms from the building to allow for the current works, the warehouses of the former Spea and the maxi structure of the former mental hospital in via Sant’Antonio. «Starting with an already existing structure», says Picardi, «is certainly an advantage. As well as already identifying a different future for the current courthouse. The important thing, and I am firmly convinced of this, is to move immediately.”
Because, this is a certainty, the works started with the Pnrr funds (therefore with a very precise timetable which foresees its conclusion within the next year) will serve to improve energy efficiency, safety, sanitation but not the spaces will increase in a building in which some classrooms have been abolished for some time now to make room for offices and chancelleries, the civil judges are two in one courtroom, the judicial officers and justices of the peace are forced to stay in rooms outside from the courthouse. In short, the spaces remain small for the staff, even more so today that new magistrates and new administrative employees have finally arrived. And that the backlog is starting to decrease.

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