CGIL, over 10 thousand signatures collected for referendum in twenty days

CGIL, over 10 thousand signatures collected for referendum in twenty days
CGIL, over 10 thousand signatures collected for referendum in twenty days

Press release

With over ten thousand signatures in twenty days, the referendum campaign of the CGIL Calabria continues profitably, aimed at protecting the rights of workers, for stable, dignified, protected and safe work.

“Thanks to the commitment of Chambers of Labour, Categories and Delegatesthrough banquets but also assemblies in the workplace, territory by territory, from capitals to small townswithout neglecting the internal areas, the union has started a work of militancy and widespread involvement and participation at all levels which is gathering not only memberships, but also hundreds of testimonials which confirm the need, as well as the urgency, to change those rules that do not allow full dignity to be given to the worker, put their safety at risk and do not allow them to look to the future with serenity – states Gianfranco Trotta, Confederal Secretary CGIL Calabria – . An important job that we have put in place which will continue until July, together with the many other initiatives for the right to health, the defense and application of the Constitution, legality, which will allow us to continue to be among the people, collecting their instances and stories. Often negative experiences, of precariousness, anger and indignation which confirm to us that the referendum is the right path!”.

CGIL Calabria is convinced that the future of the country, of the current and new generations, can be changed also, and above all, by tackling precarious work, deaths at work and the logic of profit in contracts and subcontracts, in short, overturning established institutions and practices.

What do we ask? We ask for the repeal of the rules that prevent reinstatement to work in the event of illegitimate dismissals, which facilitate illegitimate dismissals in small businesses, which have liberalized the use of fixed-term work and which prevent, in the event of an accident at work in procurement, extending the liability to the contracting company.

Our work of collecting signatures will continue incessantly until July also through the online signature on

In the meantime, the CGIL’s commitment to defending the Constitution also continues. The next May 25th we will be in the square in Naples for “La Via Maestra” together with over one hundred associations for a just society founded on dignified work and solidarity, a country where health is everyone’s right, as is the right to education and a healthy and safe environment, a country that repudiates war and builds peace.

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