this is the candidate from Basilicata Possibile

We receive and publish a note from “Basilicata Possible”:

“Basilicata Possibile has expressed the candidacy of Francesco Giuzio as Mayor of the City of Potenza to offer citizens a clean, transparent, free alternative.

We did this in continuity with the consensus received in the previous elections (which made LBP the main political force in the city) and in continuity with the activity in the City Council, carried out by our councilors with application and intransigence, always combining protest and proposal .

An opposition that made no concessions to a right divided on everything and to an inadequate administration, but which aimed to offer solutions rather than stir up problems, in the interests of the city.

In recent years we have chosen the register of bottom-up participation to develop shared proposals that could achieve tangible results for citizens.

The creation of the first Social Plan for the Potenza area, the launch of the Teatro Stabile Foundation, the Manifesto of Adolescents and the first assignment of a free and self-managed space for them at the Malvaccaro Social Centre, the approval of the Pedibus and the regulation for the Street Art, the proposal for the large park in the Santa Lucia Valley to be included in the next urban ITI, that of the city referendum, etc.

All proposals that were (only) in our electoral program 5 years ago.

In an era of exasperated narcissism, in which parties disappear and isolated individuals occupy the scene, supported by unlikely electoral committees and inspired by the most sinister transformism, we have chosen to stand as candidates in these elections only after having, to the end, attempted to unify the broader progressive front to challenge the right for the government of the city.

We did it, renouncing legitimate personal aspirations, in the name of the belief that the city does not deserve the government it has been given and that, therefore, everyone should take a step back so that the city can take one forward.

The techniques of attrition that the center left now uses self-defeatingly, in a systematic way, have had the upper hand, for the second time in a few months; making a common goal that was within reach and for which we alone worked seriously unfeasible.

We are therefore in the field to represent another way of interpreting political commitment compared to what seems to prevail.

There is much more cynicism than civility circulating and citizens understand this.

This is the most insidious vehicle for the spread of disaffection, disinterest and abstentionism.

We are in the field to give meaning back to words, putting them back in line with the facts – those that citizens understand because they live them every day and often suffer them – to subvert the unbearable whirlwind of inconclusive chatter with which programs that no one will read, least of all who absentmindedly assembled them.

We want to rebuild order in public discoursea hygiene in political language without which everything is reduced to indistinct molasses.

Restoring credibility to politics means reactivating discussion and the conscious participation of active citizenship.

This is what we have been fighting for in these 5 years, convinced that there are no single men in command capable of reversing the trend, that we need to reactivate collective energy to stop the decline towards which the city has been heading for a few decades.

We are in the field for this.”

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