Village in Prato, themed proposals in bars and restaurants. And there is also the Cucine Popolare dish. The graph of the stages in the Northeast

Village in Prato, themed proposals in bars and restaurants. And there is also the Cucine Popolare dish. The graph of the stages in the Northeast
Village in Prato, themed proposals in bars and restaurants. And there is also the Cucine Popolare dish. The graph of the stages in the Northeast

PADUA – The Giro arrives today and the bartenders are hoping for clemency from the weather. Meanwhile, the deepest swimming pool in the world turns pink. Like all major events, the stage this afternoon between Padua and the province could attract up to 100 thousand spectators – the Corsa rosa also represents a great opportunity for bars and restaurants. The director of the APPE Filippo Segato yesterday, however, did not hide a certain caution.

«An event like the Giro – explained the representative of the trade association – represents a great opportunity especially for Cafe. In fact, those who follow the stage rarely go to the restaurant. While waiting for the cyclists, however, the fans treat themselves to a coffee, a spritz or a sandwich.” «Unfortunately, however, much will depend on weather forecast – he added – it is clear that the rain risks discouraging many people. The forecasts are not encouraging, but we keep our fingers crossed and hope that the bad weather provides a respite.”

As already announced, the beating heart of the Stage will be Valley Meadow where, between 5 and 5.30 pm the cyclists should arrive. Right in Prato it will be open from 10am to 7pm Giroland, the Giro d’Italia village dedicated to all lovers of cycling and the Corsa Rosa. The Loggia Amulea will instead be open to the authorities, sponsors and the press from 1pm to 7pm. Here there will be a buffet with a dish specially prepared by Cucine Popular called “Et Voilà”, a simple dish that will be made «with what is available ‘is, without discarding anything’, in the logic of curbing food waste and encouraging a new life for food and things. Et voilà is just the last piece of a journey that the Kitchens have been pursuing for years and which sees them involved with workshops in schools with the “If you open, don’t waste” project.
«The project – explained the director of the Kitchens yesterday sister Albina Zandonà – underlines two attentions that we care a lot about. On the one hand, attention to the person as a whole, from situations of extreme vulnerability that concern our guests in particular to the different ages and life situations, because every occasion is full of possibilities, gratuitously. In the case of workshops with schools, attention is paid to the little ones at the moment of their growth. A second aspect that the workshop and the proposal highlight is that of the “friendly ingredients” which remind us that no one is saved alone and that anyone, if accompanied and not left alone, can find the opportunity to “regenerate”».

From 2.30 pm, Assicurazioni Generali, sponsor of Padova Città di Tappa, will host authorities and the press together with the chef Andrea Racalbuto and the Paduan cycling champion Alberto Ongarato.
Still in Prato, various initiatives are planned to entertain the public from 1.30 pm onwards: from the parade of students from the cycling schools of Padua to the arrival of the E-bike tour. Meanwhile in Montegrotto Y-40 The Deep Joy, the deepest thermal water pool in the world, is tinged with pink. Today, in fact, on the occasion of the arrival of the 18th stage of the historic sporting event, it has decided to color its 42.15 meter deep cylinder and the 13 meter long underground tunnel pink, the only one in the world suspended and completely immersed in the interior of an aquatic architecture. In these days, therefore, the hundreds of freedivers and divers who will dive will have the opportunity to do so while enjoying the iconic pink tip, in the name of celebrating one of the most famous road cycling stage races in the world.

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