Cases of scabies among children, the “Prato Verde” nursery temporarily closed

Cases of scabies among children, the “Prato Verde” nursery temporarily closed
Cases of scabies among children, the “Prato Verde” nursery temporarily closed

On Thursday 23rd and Friday 24th May


– a note has been received registered in the general protocol of the institution at no. 29132 by the Union of Municipalities of the Lands of Marca Senone, which manages services for children aged 0-3 years, in which the occurrence of cases of contagion from scabies between children frequenting the facility “Green lawn” located in Via Pierelli 1;

– the most common source of scabies transmission is direct and prolonged contact with an already infected person and therefore the risk of contagion in the facility is very high;

– it is the duty of the Municipality to guarantee, also through third parties, the hygiene and cleanliness of public living environments with reclamation activities in order to protect public health and the healthiness of the environments of educational and school facilities attended by children;

CONSIDERED that the Social Services Planning and Management Office for Area Coordination of the Union of Municipalities, in the aforementioned note:

• proposes, as shared with the Department of Hygiene and Public Health Service – Prevention of Infectious and Chronic Diseases, of the AST – District of Senigallia – the extraordinary closure of the “Prato Verde” nursery school for Thursday 23rd and Friday 24th May;

• communicates that, at the same time, action will be taken environmental disinfestation and sanitization of fixed and mobile structures through a specialized company that will issue specific certification;

DETECTED that what has been learned requires the adoption of precautionary measures to protect the children attending the facility and the adults who work there;

REVISED therefore the need and urgency to close the “Prato Verde” nursery school – Via Pierelli 1 on Thursday 23 and Friday 24 May in order to allow environmental disinfestation and sanitisation of the fixed and mobile structures through a specialized company and preserve the health of the children attending and of all the staff working in the aforementioned structure;

RECALLED the Consolidated Law on the Organization of Local Authorities (TUEL), issued with legislative decree 18 August 2000, n.267 and subsequent amendments and additions;

CONSIDERED the contingent and urgent nature of this provision;

CALL BACK, in particular, the articles. 50 and 54 of Legislative Decree no. 267/2000 and subsequent amendments;


there closing of the “Prato Verde” nursery school – Via Pierelli 1 – Senigallia, on Thursday 23rd and Friday 24th May in order to allow environmental disinfestation and sanitization of fixed and mobile structures through a specialized company and to preserve the health of the children attending and of all the staff working in the aforementioned structure;


that this Ordinance is published on the Notice Board of the Municipality of Senigallia, on the institutional website of the Municipality of Senigallia and on the Facebook page, for maximum diffusion.

The publication of this Provision on the Municipality’s Notice Board has the value of notification, even individually, to those affected by these provisions.


that a judicial appeal against this Ordinance is permitted before the Regional Administrative Court of the Marche within sixty days of communication, or
extraordinary appeal to the Head of State within one hundred and twenty days.

For the Mayor

The Deputy Mayor
Riccardo Pizzi

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