‘Home saving’ plan soon on the CDM table

The housing decree is preparing to arrive on the table of the Council of Ministers. The meeting of the Council of Ministers, initially scheduled for today, should be postponed to Friday morning, even if there is no official announcement yet. The agenda will also include the legislative decree, announced by the deputy prime minister and leader of the League Matteo Salvini, with the promise of ‘heal’ all the small irregularities – from mezzanines to verandas, but not only – which concern, according to a study by the National Council of Engineers cited by the Ministry of Infrastructure, “almost 80% of the real estate assets”. “Home saving is a concrete and responsible choice for the benefit of millions of owners who will thus be able to regularize small anomalies”, states Salvini, claiming how the Italian government is betting “on cutting bureaucracy and on reasonableness”, while “Europe socialist” thinks “of new taxes on real estate”. The provision also receives a cautious approval from the other deputy prime minister and leader of Forza Italia, Antonio Tajani: “We will see the final text – declared the Italian secretary -, but I think we are going in the right direction”.

For Giorgio Spaziani Testa, president of Confedilizia, the arrival in the Council of Ministers of the housing decree represents “good news” and “will finally allow us to evaluate the merits of a text on which so far too much imagination has been worked”. The judgment of the property owners’ association “will be favourable”, explains Spaziani Testa, if the text “reflects what was illustrated to Confbuilding and other organizations in the meeting at the Ministry of Infrastructure on 4 April: if, therefore, it is a question of a measure aimed at resolving the numerous situations of obstacle to the marketability of goods due to small irregularities”.

In the meantime, however, protests from the opposition are rising they reject the housing decree by speaking openly of ‘amnesty’. “Salvini’s storytelling on the elusive ‘save-home’ plan is grotesque: it sends us back to a fairy-tale vision, citing ‘bedrooms’, ‘little windows’ and small irregularities. All things that today can be remedied very well with the laws currently in force Unfortunately, the more Salvini exposes himself to this bombastic plan of his, the more it stinks of an amnesty even from a distance of kilometers”, attack the M5S parliamentarians of the Environment-Public Works Commissions of the Chamber and Senate in a note.

“The Meloni government, we must remind those who blow the whistle while pretending nothing is happening – urge the five-star members -, has cut the Pnrr funds intended for urban regeneration. So Salvini is offering Italians good wine, forgetting, however, that his government has eradicated the We await the text with great curiosity, what is certain is that the conditions are not exactly encouraging”. Words to which the League replies by pointing out that “the Pnrr funds dedicated to housing have not been cut”: “Yet another lie from the grillini, famous for wanting an Italy made up of subsidies, handcuffs for everyone, wheelchairs and no public works” , replies Salvini’s party.

The Democratic Party is also strongly opposed to the housing decree and has presented a question to the Minister of Infrastructure to ask for the use of the Repower EU to support public residential construction: “If Salvini stopped being Toti’s defense lawyer and took care of a little less than promising amnesties of any kind, he would have much more to do to save the homes of Italians: the investments of Repower Eu need to be put to good use, 1.4 billion euros for the energy requalification of residential buildings public and social and against energy poverty of low-income people”, say Chiara Braga, leader of the Pd group in the Chamber, and the Dem members of the Montecitorio Environment Commission. For Carlo Calenda, number one of Action, the housing decree will never work: “It’s one of those things done for the elections, no one will make the implementing decrees”.

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