“My mural is a tribute to the heart of Faenza after the flood” VIDEO GALLERY

“My mural is a tribute to the heart of Faenza after the flood” VIDEO GALLERY
“My mural is a tribute to the heart of Faenza after the flood” VIDEO GALLERY

With the creation of the mural by the Palermo artist Igor Scalisi Palminteri ‘Heart’ The Street Art Festival “Impronte di Solidarietà” was inaugurated yesterday in Faenza, an event that celebrates one year since the devastating flood that hit Faenza and the entire Emilia Romagna, which caused 16 deaths and more than 23,000 displaced people. There are more than 200 thousand minors living in the affected areas and 57 municipalities are still affected by the flooding, according to Save the Children data.

“Heart”, created on a wall in Via Sant’Ippolito, is intended to be a symbol of reconstruction and exalts the resilient spirit of the inhabitants of Faenza, who courageously faced the post-flood difficulties. The work depicts a child with a shovel, intent on rebuilding, a metaphor for life and rebirth, and fits perfectly into the context of the festival, which aims to create a bridge between art and community.

‘Faenza was looked at by all of us as an example to follow – he states Igor Scalisi Palminteri – The TV images that arrived about a year ago gave me the sense and measure of the love that a human being can feel for his fellow man. This painting is titled ‘Heart’ because it is a tribute to the hearts of the citizens, to the love they were able to give in those days, in which they reached out and worked hard to react to a terrible situation. Not only during the flood, but also afterwards: I think of all the companies, the factories, those women and men who rolled up their sleeves to start living again. It’s true that nothing grows from diamonds, but flowers can grow from mud, to paraphrase and ‘arrange’ De Andrè. And in Faenza there are wonderful flowers that are people.”

“The presence of Igor Scalisi Palminteri in Faenza – states Gian Maria Manuzzi of District A – for the creation of the mural to commemorate the first year that has passed since the tragic flood that hit the city and Romagna is a necessary presence for the city and for District A. The mural, which depicts a child with a shovel, is a message of resistance and resilience, but above all of rebirth: a look to the future to start again, because the city, unfortunately, is still heavily affected after a year. This message must be seen every day by all the citizens who pass through here: a push to move forward, not to give up and to believe that tomorrow can and must be better than this difficult year we have been through.

The festival

Organized by District A, the ‘Imprints of Solidarity’ festival involves the selection and creation of 6 large murals in various points of the city. The works will be created by national and international street artists selected by public invitation. The construction of the works will take place over the course of a week, involving the most significant urban areas for the memory of the flood (Rione Nero, Lower Italy, Borgotto, Orto Bertoni, Fratelli Rosselli, Renaccio). The initiative – created in partnership with Valter Mancinelli DAC, Bomber Pub, Rutichelli, Color, Caparol, Ascom Faenza, Grand Hotel Azzurra Club, La Rotonda cucina sul mare, Moscone Piadina di Salvataggio, Vedi Palermo, UNA and I Giardinieri della Rosa Nera – is aimed at residents of all ages, lovers of art and urban culture, school and university communities

The “Impronte di Solidarietà” Street Art Festival includes events of different kinds, including the sound painting performance “300 grams” by Igor Scalisi Palminteri and Angelo Sicurella, scheduled today 17 May in the Falegnameria di Longiano, inside the courtyard of the Malatesta castle. This unique performance, which combines visual and sound art, will be a further tribute to the strength and resilience of the community. The canvas painted during the performance will be exhibited in the rooms of the Tito Balestra Foundation in Longiano and subsequently auctioned for charity to support post-flood reconstruction projects. Followed by the concert by Circus Punk The Hormonauts and the live set by NTNTN.

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