Crt Foundation, Anna Maria Poggi as president. She will be the first woman to drive

An engineer from the Polytechnic of Turin (Marco Gilli) at the top of Compagnia di San Paolo and a jurist (Anna Maria Poggi) of the University of Turin as president of the Crt Foundation. The “revenge” of the teacherswhich should no longer “see an armchair” according to a long list of detractors, much less those of two entities with over 13 billion in assets put together like Crt and Cds, and which is above all the revenge of mayor Stefano Lo Russosponsor of the two new presidents, goes on stage with the (unanimous) candidacy of Anna Maria Poggi at the top (first woman in 30 years of history) of the third Italian foundation.

Yesterday, at the end of the session of Crt Foundation Steering Committee which co-opted Patrizia Pogliotto into the CDI, the 21 members unanimously indicated the name of Anna Maria Poggi to succeed the resigning president Fabrizio Palenzona. The councilors Giampiero Leo and Giuseppe Tardivo, introducing the 65-year-old jurist, listed Poggi’s “vast curriculum”, academic and beyond.

Who is

Born in Ciciliano, a small village in the province of Rome, on 30 June 1959, she is full professor of Constitutional Law at the University of Turin, former dean of the Faculty of Education Sciences and vice-rector of the University. Poggi was on the management committee of the Compagnia San Paolo where she had caused the president Francesco Profumo a lot of pain by opposing his decisions point after point. Close to Comunione Liberazione, esteemed by Archbishop Repole and the mayor Lo Russo, who had in fact included her in the list of candidates for post-Profumo only to then choose Gilli, Poggi is described by friends as a very capable person with a technical and of high skills. Her detractors accuse her of “an excess of ambition” which often leads her to change sides very quickly. Over the years you have followed all the currents of the Democratic Party, from the Renzians to the Chiamparinians, recently supported Giorgia Meloni’s premiership proposal. But it will not be the change of ideas that will hinder the path towards the presidency of the Crt Foundation which will be decided on May 21st.

Lo Russo’s revenge

In via XX Settembre the newfound serenity, after a year and a half of storm (from Quaglia to Palenzona), will have to deal with the Mef, the Ministry of Economy. The former president Fabrizio Palenzona, who resigned a month ago, promised fire and flames after being placed in a minority by the Board of Directors and presented legal opinions and submitted to the Mef. Among these there is also the complaint to the Supervisory Authority made by the former secretary Andrea Varese, who also resigned, about an alleged “hidden pact” between councilors which aimed to guide and decide on the appointments. The Mef could intervene by commissioning the third Italian foundation, dissolving only the Board of Directors, or it could give the green light to the new course. The calm after the storm still hides some currents and disagreements, such as the nomination of Lucia Calvosa to the CDP which was not voted for by Caterina Bima. For now the two foundations, the last crossroads of Turin power with national projections, are back in the hands of the professors. Company as a landing place for former rectors and the Crt Fondazione of Unito. If it goes like this it will be Lo Russo’s revenge, after the crushing defeat a year ago with the landing of Palenzona in the Crt and the refusal of the councilors on his proposal of Andrea Ganelli as president.

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