Local police commander takes his own life in the Bari area – News


He accompanied his wife to the station and then returned home where he took his service pistol and shot himself. It happened in San Ferdinando di Puglia, in the north of Bari, where a 42-year-old man, Cosimo Napolitano, commander of the local police in the nearby town of Ascoli Satriano (Foggia), decided to end it this morning. The Carabinieri coordinated by the Foggia prosecutor’s office are investigating the incident.

The man had taken up service in the municipality of Foggia two years ago, after winning a competition. The two towns are about sixty kilometers apart. Today he would have to go to work because a vintage car rally was scheduled in the village and he would have to preside over the traffic service. But they waited for him there in vain.

“This morning he was expected here to regulate the vintage car rally – says the mayor of Ascoli Satriano, Vincenzo Sarcone – It seemed strange to me

that he didn’t show up. Then I learned of the tragedy. As a community we are all shocked”. “He was a gentle, good person, always available even when he was off shift”, says the mayor, who speaks of the commander’s availability even towards colleagues who needed a hand. The man had two children and this morning he went to the station to accompany his wife who had to take part in a training course. The wife’s family is from Ascoli Satriano.

“I have known the commander’s in-laws and brother-in-law for years – the mayor continues – People who are well integrated into our community, the father-in-law was also a councilor in the past and works for a local company. The brother-in-law is a doctor. People who are well known and available to the our community. The commander was well integrated into our town. According to what we learn, Napolitano had returned to duty a few days ago after about a month of convalescence due to an accident that had caused problems with his foot. “The last time – continues the mayor – I met him last Friday. A real tragedy that shocked us all”.

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