LIVE LBA – A two-faced Estra Pistoia rules a disappointing Napoli Basket


LIVE LBA - A two-faced Estra Pistoia rules a disappointing Napoli Basket

© photo by D’Errico/Ciamillo

L’extra Pistoia begins its journey in the 2024/25 Unipol Serie A in its fort of PalaCarrara by hosting the Naples Basketballwhich comes from the defeat against Bologna from the semi-final of the Frecciarossa Supercoppa 2024. Where to see it: Sunday 29 September 2024 at 7.00 pm, DAZN. Referees: Saverio Lanzarini, Martino Galasso, Giulio Pepponi.

The comment: an Estra Pistoia with two completely opposite faces signs an extraordinary first half with 12 triples scored out of 21 attempts against a dazed Naples who are unable to organize themselves. But in the second half I didn’t just score a triple, finishing 13/33. Milicic’s team fails to find the key to the problem, managing to reduce the gap and failing to overtake several times. Despite the Paschall ballast (0 points) and a few too many lost balls, the men from Calabria completed the victory with a Garibaldian and strong performance, despite the superiority in rebounding (23 offensive) of a Neapolitan team that appeared excessively distracted by the pre-season brackets that want Estra to be the first candidate for relegation.

The direct text.

1Q Live
– Forrest and Childs shoot two triples in the 1st minute 6-0, Napoli observes. Williams shortens, Brajkovic responds. Copeland and Rowan do so from the arc 11-5 in the 2nd minute. Totè stands out with 1/2 on the line and an attacking rebound basket in the 3rd minute. Then the Neapolitan center continues to hit the target, shortening with two more baskets, and in defense stopping Brajkovic 11-10 with 5’54”. Dreznjak’s turnover allows Paschall to launch Brajkovic’s dunk 13-10. Manning Jr. brings Napoli back under, and with 5’19” to overtake with a triple, immediately blocked from the arc by Silins. Pangos keeps Napoli in contact, but Silins scores again from three 19-15 in the 6th minute. Silins blocks Manning and returns to move the scoreboard with 2’44” for Estra and Milicic’s timeout. Della Rosa and Dreznjak score from three points, Rowan extends Pistoia to +8, but with 1’05” Pangos scores the first free throw, misses the second and from the rebound Dreznjak’s triple. Forrest provides the assist for Silins who relaunches Estra with a triple. Dreznjak collects two free throws and we are at 10′ 29-22. Seven triples scored for Pistoia, 11 by Silins.

2Q 56-43 – Forrest makes his eighth opening triple. Treier makes two free throws and Manning adds two to make it 32-28 in the 12th minute. With 7’39” Rowan relaunches Pistoia, Treier shortens from an offensive rebound, with Forrest suffering contact with an opponent. Forrest scores the triple from the corner (9/14 for Pistoia), then holds on to Copeland’s attack: he’s fine Copeland also scores from three 37-33 with 6’49”. Della Rosa scores a triple after three shots from the Tuscans in the same action 40-33 with 6′. Free for Copeland, quite contested, 1/2. Forrest’s counterattack comes off Totè’s foot, but then Paschall loses the ball. The two-man game with Pangos sends Totè to the line 0/2. Assist by Copeland for Totè, who makes up for the previous mistake. However, with 4’30” Forrest’s triple arrives, Napoli also suffers the inside-out which scores Della Rosa (12/20 from three for Pistoia), and Milicic calls timeout with 3’53” 46-36. 1/2 of Totè, Forrest throws two penetrations at the rim and only with 2’30” Dreznjak closes 46-39. Calabria timeout with 2’17”. Upon returning, Rowan earns three 2/3 free throws. Brajkovic extends from underneath, but Woldetensae scores a triple with 90.0″ at halftime. Rowan brings home two points from underneath, Manning finds two 1/2 free throws with 1’02” left. Brajovic on entry is stopped foully 2/2 on free throws. Manning doesn’t score, Rowan on the line for a foul by Jordan Hall 2/2 with 31 seconds. At 20′ the 56-43 Estra’s archery attack was rewarded: 12/21 against 1/6 for Napoli.

3Q Live – With 9’08” Treier goes to the line 2/2. Totè stops Brajkovic and Treier scores in transition. Paschall gets a technical, Copeland scores the free throw while Paschall on the bench tears his shirt 56-48 in the 22nd minute. Totè shortens but Forrest’s stepback relaunches Pistoia 58-50 in the 23rd minute. Forrest flies the field and takes Williams’ block, Totè writes the -6 and Milicic applauds the intensity of his men. Leonardo Tot+ still dominates by scoring the -. 4 for which Calabria has to call timeout with 5’42” at 58-54. Upon returning, Brajkovic scores from an attacking rebound with 5’17”. Forrest and Williams both lose the ball and Della Rosa does the same but at the 24″ with 4’11”. Rowan earns it and makes two free }); throws 62-54 with 3’47” . De Nicolao responds with the same coin. Napoli lacks continuity and Childs punishes them with a dunk 64-56 with 2’26” and Milicic timeout. But Pistoia has not yet scored a three-pointer in the second half. Manning and Treier score the baskets that bring Napoli closer 64-60. Free for Silins 2/2 with 1’31”. Manning returns to one possession with a triple and on Treier’s recovery he doesn’t score -1. The 30th minute arrives without any jolts: 66-63 (partial score 10-20).

4Q Live – Rowan scores immediately at the start, then the errors abound. Copeland is blocked by Anumba in the 32nd minute, but wins two free throws with 8’56” scoring them both. Napoli presses all over the field, Copeland’s waiter is worth -1. Pistoia no longer has three-point shots, but Napoli also plays with too much intensity to be clear in her conclusions. Silins supports the basket with 7’08” +3 for the Tuscans. Treier chips the iron in an attempt to equalize with 6’27”, referee’s rebuke for a Calabria pco over the top. Childs crushes the +5. Brawl before the waiter of Pangos 74-71 in the 35th minute. Another waiter, but from Forrest. Pangos gains the line 1/2. Forrest 8″ with 4’35”. 3’16” Childs scores in the middle of the area scoring 80-73 for a free throw after Milicic’s timeout with 3’18” Childs scores the free throw. Williams shortens from an attacking rebound (number 20). earns two free throws in recovering the ball 1/2 +7 Pistoia shortens with another tap-in Pangos attacks and Williams scores with the third tap-in, timeout Calabria 82-79 with 1’57”. Upon returning, Silins finds two 2/2 free throws from an offensive rebound. Copeland misses the three-point return, instead Silins scores it +8 with 1’11”. PalaCarrara delirium. Treier misses two three-point attempts in a row, but Forrest gives the ball away at 8″ without passing halfway. With 37.6″ triple from Pangos. All-court defense, Napoli doesn’t spend the foul, Rowan shoots an airball leaving 13.0″. Pangos recovers two free throws but scores 0/2. Instant replay to check what happened on the second attempt. The throw-in is by Pistoia with 9.7″. The pressing by Napoli, the foul on Forrest, two free throws with 5.0″. 1/2, ends 88-82.


(29-24, 56-43, 66-63)
ESTRA PT: Benetti, Della Rosa 9, Anumba, Childs 11, Paschall, Rowan 17, Forrest 19, Boglio ne, Cemmi ne, Saccaggi ne, Silins 22, Brajkovic 10. All.: Calabria
NAPOLI BASKETBALL: Copeland 13, Treier 10, Pangos 7, De Nicolao 2, Acunzo ne, Woldetensae 3, Manning 13, Hall, Dreznjak 10, Williams 10, Totè 14, Mabor Dut ne. All.: Milicic
REFEREES: Lanzarini, Galasso, Pepponi
NOTES: Attendance 3356. Out for five fouls: Paschall (PT), Dreznjak (NA). Technical foul: Paschall (PT) in the 22nd minute.


The Estra Pistoia of the new head coach Dante Calabria has only confirmed the two Italians Lorenzo Saccaggi and Gianluca Della Rosa compared to last year. There are eight new players: wingers Michael Forrest, Micheal Anumba, Semaj Christon and Maverick Rowan, wingers Gabriele Benetti and Eric Paschall and forwards Karlis Silins and Elijah Childs.

Coach Igor Milicic’s Napoli Basket has retained only three players from last season, namely captain Giovanni De Nicolao, center Andrea Mabor Dut Biar and young Stefano Saccoccia. However, there are nine new arrivals: point guard Kevin Pangos, guards Zach Copeland and Tomas Woldetensae, wings Deane Williams, Jordan Hall, Dario Dreznjak, Kaspar Treier and center Leonardo Totè.

PRECEDENTS – There are only two precedents between the two clubs and in both cases Pistoia prevailed (81-76 at home and 93-95 in Naples).
THE EX – Napoli Basket – Zach Copeland was one of the protagonists of Pistoia’s promotion in the 2022/23 season. In that year he averaged 16.7 points, 2.7 rebounds and 2.1 assists.

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