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”I’m looking for a multifaceted man like me”

Barbara De Santi, a well-known face on the oversized throne of Men and Women, talks to, talking about the second edition of her book “Making love like an escort” and revealing something about the Canale 5 programme.

Barbara De Santi she returned to the bookstore with the second edition Of “Making love like an escort”, a book that tells her story between touching and melancholy moments and funny moments, reflecting on the search for love and the relationship between men and women nowadays. There lady of the throne over of Men and Women adds a new chapter to his book, an extremely personal chapter that arises from the reflections made during the Covid period but also from disappearance of his true love. Barbara told us about what pushed her to start writing again, digging into the past in search of answers for the present.

Men and Women, Barbara De Santi talks about the second edition of “Making love like an escort”

Born in Mantua in 1969, where she graduated from the Conservatory of Music, Barbara De Santi is known to the public Channel 5 to be the teacher of Men and women. Beloved face among the protagonists of the female parterre of over throne of Maria De Filippi’s dating show, Barbara hides within herself a world aimed at searching for love, a love that she found several years ago and that she would like for the future. De Santi has decided to print his again bookMaking love like an escort” with a second editionavailable on Amazon in paper and non-paper format, in which added a chapter intense, melancholy but also reflective and raising awareness about love and its thousand facets. Interviewed by us at, Barbara she told in detail what pushed her to return to the typewriter.

Barbara you are back with a new edition of your book “Making love like an escort”, what pushed you to update your life story with a new chapter?

Since 2020, the year of Covid, I have seen people change. Changing for the worse in my opinion, while for me it was a moment of rebirth, it was a new turning point and all things started to get much better. I wanted to share this and tell, in these four years, what has happened. My point of view.

The inspiration for the book came from your ex, entrepreneur Mike Morra. How much work did it take to collect the escorts’ stories, and how were these reflected in some of your disappointments in love?

90% of the book is autobiographical, so it is the story of my life, while the ones with the escorts were the minor work. As I say in my book, I also had a friend who was an escort and initially I didn’t know it, so I had an idea. Then I met Mike Morra, who was also my boyfriend and whom I define as brilliant, and I asked myself some questions about why my relationships with men were going badly, and I said to myself: “I can get some answers from this world which for it is unknown to me.”

In the presentation of your book we read “A self-sufficient woman who lacks only one thing: true love”. What is true love for you and why do you think it hasn’t arrived in your life yet?

In the chapter that I added to the book I talk about the true love that I had in my life, which unfortunately no longer exists, it passed away last year. When I think about what I felt with that person, about what we gave each other, I think that I am still looking for this and that I have no longer found it in my life. We were young, I was much less rational while now I am very rational unfortunately, I set a lot of limits from the beginning which I didn’t do before. Then the world changed, I saw a decline in feelings and relationships: I struggle to find a person who has my values, my point of view, who has the same desire to live and enthusiasm as me. I have defined myself as multifaceted, and I am looking for a man who is as multifaceted as me!

Men and Women, Barbara De Santi: “The public recognizes my frankness”

During the chat with Barbara De Santi we ask which chapter led her most to test herself on an emotional level and the answer is immediate: the one that concerns hers family. There lady of the over throne of Men and Womenin fact, admits to having revealed uncomfortable truths about the past and on the family who marked her and continue to mark her today. Precisely regarding her relationship with her parents, Barbara herself admits that she has never received princess treatment and it seems that this trend has also reflected in his life as a couple.

“I have never found my prince who treated me like a princess. I give so much to the other and I don’t receive as much, perhaps because I am too independent and autonomous and the man believes that I don’t need it.”

Browsing social media we find great feedback for your book, what do you think about the public response? Are there any comments from readers that particularly struck you?

I read the reviews, all positive. What readers recognize in me is that, when they read, they hear my voice, it reflects my way of being. And so it’s as if they knew me even more.

We talk about love in Men and Women where you are among the most loved over-the-top protagonists, and you have returned in search of love. However, there is no shortage of discussions and rivalries like the one with Cristina, perhaps also deriving from your outspoken character…

I start from the fact that the public recognizes my frankness, because the compliment they always pay me is this. I don’t know why this is apparent, I’ve been chasing this all my life, but I didn’t realize it was so evident. Cristina… While before there was a certain solidarity, from one moment to the next, to take the defense of the person I was seeing (Ernesto Russo ed.) he began to turn around and turn against me. Even with the epilogue that occurred, I was unable to have solidarity and I can’t explain it. We have not clarified, we have no contacts and being in a public program, it is right to clarify the situations there.

A comment on Ernesto Russo and the statements he made about you, especially the idea that it was you who made reports about him.

I’ve read but I don’t comment, because when I read things like that I find it makes no sense to respond. I don’t need to make reports, coming from behind or hiding, because everything I know and have to say I say in the episode. The previous time I had already reported some reports and I tell her things to her face and anyone who knows me knows it. But even he, how can he think such a thing!

Finally, before saying goodbye, Barbara he says he wrote “Making love like an escort” above all for herself, having the strong desire that something of her life always remains. The lady reveals, in fact, that she understood its impact and importance precisely on the occasion of rereading her memoirs which she wrote down in detail during the period in which she was happily engaged to her great love, reflecting on how all this love and feeling could have been lost if she hadn’t written down every detail first. In the end, De Santi she also hopes to have managed to bring the public closer, making herself known even beyond the cameras Men and women.

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