Italy 24 Press News

Lucio Presta overturns his tractor and is miraculously alive

The tractor he was driving overturned on one of his lands in Sabina, Lazio and the heavy vehicle then crashed into him, but only instinct (and a good dose of luck) prevented him from Lucio Presta much more serious consequences. Reporting it is Novella 2000according to which the former manager of Amadeus it would be a miracle he would be alive. «Four hundred and fifty kilos of tractor on him, he fractured his ribs, he has a bad shoulder, but by pure luck nothing more – we read in the magazine – because in the accident he managed to get on his side, protecting his vital organs from the impact with the agricultural vehicle. Presta was immediately hospitalized and underwent surgery. He is now on the mendbut the convalescence will be long.”

Precisely because of what happened, the 64-year-old manager and his wife Paola Perego they will be forced to give up on the wedding of Simona Ventura And Giovanni Terzi, scheduled for July 6th and also at the pre-wedding party on June 26th, which will be held in Milan. «If I hadn’t managed to get on my side, I would have crushed my internal organs», Presta confessed to Novella 2000. In recent months the golden couple of Italian TV have had to face another difficult moment as the diagnosis of kidney cancer of Perego, who had undergone surgery in January. “Lucio took the worst part of it and was extraordinary in supporting me,” the presenter confessed in an interview. Now the roles have reversed.

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