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Enrico Papi, his wife ends up in hospital after the betrayal: how is he now

Enrico Papi’s wife seems to have ended up in hospital after the betrayal by Enrico Papi in the last few hours: here’s how she is now and her current conditions. We also find out more details about what happened.

Enrico Papi was protagonist of a great scoop in the last hours. In fact he was caught while he was on holiday in Formentera and was kissing another girl. This is Claudia Mottaknown on television when she participated in the edition ofIsland of the Famous in which Popes he had worked as a correspondent. (Here to find out who ended their relationship among this year’s former castaways). In the shots that have circulated on the web, you can see kisses, hugs and caresses between the two. In short a holiday which has every appearance of being about love.

He he is 59 years oldWhile she is 35, yet age doesn’t seem to be an issue. It is not clear what type of relationship there is between the two, that is, whether it is just a meeting or a real relationship. Yet, the host is married to Raffaella Schifino for over 30 years and just last year they were celebrating their anniversary. Despite this, however, Papi in some statements made some time ago had admitted that betrayal is overrated and that monogamy is still too abstract a concept. In short, words that foreshadowed something like this, but after all this, what would happen to his wife? Let’s find out everything below.

Enrico Papi, his wife in hospital after the betrayal: what happened and how she is now

This morning, gossip expert Deianira Marzano published a story in which he informed what happened in the last few hours. Her wife is currently in hospital, but it is not clear why and above all what happened to her. What appears is that the story published by Marzano is really very strong. Schifino, in fact, appears in a hospital bed complete with a mask on her face. Of course, to be able to take the photo means that she is alert and, most likely, she is also in recovery.

The Instagram story published by Deianira Marzano regarding the current conditions of Enrico Papi’s wife

His eyes are open and he doesn’t seem to be okay very badly, even if we cannot currently know in detail. What is certain is that he must have had some very special hours. It is not even known if she had to do something already planned in hospital or if it was improvised. In the past, Enrico Papi himself had declared that the balance in a couple can change, as long as there is always respect. Furthermore, he had specified that hypocrisy does not reign in their relationship and that they would be a libertine couple. All that remains is to wait to understand whether there will be further updates or not regarding these latest events ‘couple’.

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