Italy 24 Press News

Castle of Ceremonies, from confiscation to definitive eviction and possible new position: the future of Sonrisa

Castle of Ceremonies, new chapter. There Sonrisa it was confiscated on February 15th on charges of illegal development which lasted for about forty years. Management is in the hands of the Municipality of Saint Anthony the Abbot where it is located. Despite this, the hotel and restaurant have never stopped, thus continuing to employ around 300 people. Now the family Polese will be under examination: the reports will help to evaluate what the impact of the illegal constructions has been.

From confiscations to final eviction: the next steps

Damage to the landscape and the environment. But not only that, hydrogeological and urban decor risks. The illegal construction of illegal structures is being examined. What will happen? First of all, their value will be established, then the ball will pass into the hands of the Sant’Antonio Abate Municipal Council which will have to make a fundamental decision. Its value will be established and only subsequently will the municipal council of Sant’Antonio Abate decide what to do, i.e. whether to repair the parts, demolish them or acquire them and use them for a new – and possible – destination.

What is certain is that for the moment, if they want to continue using the hotel, the Poleses will have to pay an occupancy fee to the municipality of Naples, under penalty of evicted definitive. However, this is obviously a temporary solution, awaiting the final decision in a few months.

Lace at the Ceremonial Castle

A request for protection money that could – the conditional is a must – create doubts and questions. In mid-April, a malicious organization was defeated with eleven precautionary measures held responsible for having imposed an extortion of 5 thousand euros on the Grand Hotel La Sonrisa in Sant’Antonio Abate (Naples), the so-called “Castle of Ceremonies”. The new criminal organization of Castellammare – born from a split in the Cesarano clan – was literally halved by the precautionary measures issued. Among those under investigation is also the brother of the late ceremonial boss Antonio Polese: Sabato Polese, 75 years old, who is charged with the crime of aggravated aiding and abetting.

Pizzo at the Castello delle Cerimonie, Sabatino Polese, brother of Don Antonio (and uncle of Donna Imma), under investigation: «The Camorra was asking for 5 thousand euros»

Sabato Polese – who is not part of the corporate structure of the Grand Hotel La Sonrisa – was required to report to the judicial police.

He is accused of having provided help to the Onorato family (head of the Moscarella district clan) by informing them of the ongoing investigations.

In particular, he would have let the clan know that the State Police had taken the images recorded from the video surveillance system of the accommodation facility, which was definitively confiscated last February. The video in question concerns the date on which the 5,000 euro bribe was allegedly paid to the clan.

Last update: Monday 3 June 2024, 10.58pm


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