Italy 24 Press News

Amadeus and the tiptoe farewell. But Rai doesn’t make a good impression

To understand the state of mind that accompanied the release of Amadeus from Rai it would be enough to pay attention to the last episode of Your business aired on Rai1 on Saturday 1st June. It is common practice, and we now know it, that network executives and content managers watch the last episode of successful programs as a sign of recognition for the results brought home brilliantly during the season: It’s a shame that Amadeus was left alonewithout any face from the company to thank him for the amazing ratings he brought to the company and to say goodbye since next season he will land on Discovery. Amadeus, who is a gentleman, did not however make his absences a burden, choosing to separate from Rai on tiptoe as well as in peace.

AmadeusMarco Provvisionato /

«I thank every person present in this study. Thank you all!”, said Amadeus during the last match in which the Marche region played. «Thanks to all of you, we love you», he commented, renouncing any type of farewell speech. It goes without saying that this greeting had a double flavor, considering the fact that he arrived not only after five Sanremo Festival in a row, one more successful than the other, but also later Your business which, this season, is back in great shape with numbers that haven’t been seen for a long time – the program has, in fact, attracted well over 5 million viewers every evening -.

Amadeus and FiorelloMangiarotti/Pool Sanremo /

In light of the lack of farewell and thanks to Amadeus, who will be succeeded by Stefano De Martino at the helm Your business, Rai also demonstrates that it is not far-sighted: as it announced Laura Carafoli of Discovery in an interview with RepublicAmadeus will debut on the Nine being able to count on an old workhorse, namely the Usual unknownswhich Rai lost due to the failure to renew the rights and which will be called on Nove Identity. Losing not only a top host but also a successful format for Rai was a double mistake that is difficult to forgive, even if we will see the actual fruits of this choice starting in the autumn.

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