Italy 24 Press News

Summer drowsiness alert, to date you’ve always been wrong: here are the foods you need to eliminate immediately

With the summer season, drowsiness also returns, a type of malaise that should not be underestimated in any way and also treated through nutrition. In fact, today we all make the same mistake in this regard.

The moment summer arrives we should really reconsider our daily diet, so as to provide our body with all the essential elements we need to protect ourselves from the heat. A practical example to understand what we are saying, in fact, is represented by the drowsiness that occurs during the summer season.

we are not referring to excessive tiredness, but a real malaise caused by excessive heat and the reaction of our body which needs to defend itself from very high temperatures.

Based on this motivation, in fact, we should also pay attention to nutrition because introducing these foods could backfire and emphasize a malaise that we tend to underestimate.

Why does the drowsiness alert amplify in summer?

It has been found that with the arrival of the summer season our body requires more rest, which is why with the change of season we often feel tired and tired even if the rhythm of our day is almost the same as always.

This type of malaise, for those who don’t know it yet, is due to a greater expenditure of energy which occurs precisely due to the high temperatures, together with the reaction of our body and thus tries to defend itself by taking to the field with its energy reserves which tend to run out quickly. What has been said means that in mind that it is not said we feel a greater sense of tiredness and the need to sleep constantly, or in any case more areas than expected.

Foods you need to eliminate if you feel excessively sleepy

Also in this case it is necessary to change our type of diet, thus eliminating some foods that amplify the sense of tiredness and, therefore, that of drowsiness. What has been said comes because perhaps during the digestive process our body needs to use all its energy in this phase, turning off, in a certain way, even the brain.

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In any case, during the summer phase in view of excessive drowsiness we should employ the intake of fatty foods and therefore eliminate them from our diet salami, cured meat, mature cheeses And even sweets, alcohol And spirits. This type of food weighs down the digestive system, increasing the sense of tiredness and drowsiness.

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