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Longevity: do omega 3s extend life? Clarifications from a study

The Omega 3 they are a bit like nutrition superheroes, always ready to defend health. Their power? Reduce inflammation, improve brain function and protect the heart. In short, a true elixir of long life, as stated – among others – by a recent study published in the magazine Clinical Nutritionwhich investigated the link between omega 3 and longevity.


A group of Polish and American researchers used a animal model For explore the relationship between fatty acids and telomere shortening, a marker of biological aging. The results showed a positive correlation between the levels of omega 3 in the body and the telomere length: Fat-1 transgenic mice, used in the study, had a slower rate of age-related telomere shortening than wild-type mice, used as a comparison sample. This suggests that an increase in levels of omega-3 fatty acids in tissues it could reduce the friction of telomeres, counteracting premature aging and reducing the risk of age-related diseases.

telomeres and longevity

Telomeres are structures present at the ends of chromosomes which shorten with age and are negatively affected by factors such as inflammation and oxidative stress. Their shortening has been associated with several pathologies, including cardiovascular disease, cancer, diabetes and brain changes.

omega 3 and health

The study of Clinical Nutrition he’s not the only one to suggest a possible link between omega 3 fatty acids and longevity. Further confirmation of their role comes from a review that analyzed 58 articles published in the last 5 years, using the database of National Library of Medicine (PubMed). The results, in this case, highlighted that Omega 3s are associated with a reduced risk of cardiovascular diseasethanks to the positive effects on blood pressure, triglycerides and endothelial function. Additionally, these fatty acids have anti-inflammatory properties that can influence conditions such as rheumatoid arthritis and cancer. In the nervous system, omega3s stand out for their neuroprotective effects, linked to the prevention of neurodegenerative diseases and improvement from the cognitive functions.

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The authors recognize some limitations of the Education analyzed and admit the need for others investigations to confirm the relationship between omega 3 intake and longevity. But they are optimistic about the idea that these fatty acids can promote health and, as a result, increase life expectancy. Luckily, including omega3 in your diet is not difficultsince they are found in many foods such as fatty fish (salmon, mackerel, sardines and tuna) but also in plant sources such as walnuts, i Chia seeds and linen.

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