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Medical visits also on weekends and after hours

Diagnostic visits and specialists also possible on Saturday and Sundaywith the extension of time slot for the provision of these services. Single regional or intra-regional booking system, with accredited private hospital and outpatient facilities that must belong to the Single booking center (Cup)under penalty of nullity of the contractual agreements for accreditation with the Ssn; establishment of the National Waiting List Platform; creation of a register of reports and functionality of theNational waiting list observatory and new provisions regarding hourly rates for additional services carried out by medical and nursing staff healthcare sector.

These are some of the new features of law decree on waiting lists which the Council of Ministers is about to approve.

Two ministers at work

The measureon which i ministries of Health and Economyintends to establish the national waiting list governance system (Single) with the aim of implementing the effectiveness of national-level coordination for the reduction and exceeding expectations, with particular regard to the resolution of regional inequalities. Singla will analyze the performance requirements outpatient, ordinary hospitalization and day hospital by identifying the level of services expected in the different regions; govern the demand for activities through the promotion of prescriptive and organizational appropriateness in collaboration with family doctors and paediatricians; identify and size the offering system necessary to guarantee the response to demand for benefits waits; structurally connect the regional and corporate systems for managing waiting lists network roles in the regional health service (Ssr).

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Control room

The Singla will then be governed by a Control room (Cdr) established at the Ministry of Health which will supervise thepreparation of the Plan national government of the waiting lists and will monitor the implementation of the measures also thanks to the support of theNational waiting list observatory which has, among its various tasks, also that of helping the regions and autonomous provinces in the radding their goals in the field. With the national government plan for waiting lists, the Ministry of Health will define specific address lines aimed at the regions, aimed at aligning the demand for healthcare, defining national standards of an organizational, technological and infrastructural nature, also relevant for revision and updating of care standards relating to hospital and community care. Will be the Regional Health Services Agency (Agenas) to carry out national monitoring on compliance with the maximum waiting times calculated by priority classes of services and Agenas will always manage the new National platform of waiting lists aimed at achieving interoperability with the platforms each region and province autonomous.

A “Recall” system

Finally, the provision provides for a “Recall” systemmanaged by Cupto remind the patient of the date of provision of the service, to request confirmation or for the cancellation of reservations; actions aimed at countering the phenomenon of the so-called token doctors; an increase equal to 25% of the increase in health fund regionally in order to pay more the staff of companies and NHS bodies. According to the latest Istat report on Fair and sustainable well-being (Bes), in 2023 approximately 4.5 million citizens had to give up medical visits or assessments due to economic problems or the extension of timescales due, often, to performance recovery deferred for the Covid and for the difficulties in effectively reorganize care.

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