How to enjoy summer without gaining an ounce: the truth is revealed by doctors and it works

How to enjoy summer without gaining an ounce: the truth is revealed by doctors and it works
How to enjoy summer without gaining an ounce: the truth is revealed by doctors and it works

How to enjoy the beautiful season without gaining a gram? In summer you have to do this, doctors recommend it. It works.

The warm season has finally arrived and many people want to be toned and lively and maybe lose those extra pounds to feel good in their own skin. It is no coincidence that most Italians start a controlled and balanced diet, right in estate. It may seem like a paradox, but it is not. Winter is not the time of year when we are most careful about what we bring to the table, but rather summer. Also thanks to the dreaded costume fitting There are many people who pay attention to what they eat in vacation.

How to enjoy summer without gaining a gram: doctors say

To lose weight, you need to consult a professional and categorically avoid particularly restrictive and potentially harmful diet plans. Excessively strict diets not only ensure that you regain the lost pounds as soon as you finish the diet, but they are potentially harmful to your psychophysical well-being. Vitamin deficiencies and chronic fatigue may appear, circumstances that negatively impact the subject’s quality of life. Instead of undergoing exhausting diets, it is important to learn to eat in a balanced way, educating yourself to respect your body.

How to enjoy summer without gaining a gram: doctors recommend doing this

When you eat massive amounts of food, you are harming yourself, even though it may seem the opposite since consuming high-calorie foods gives you a temporary feeling of well-being. In reality, the long-term effects are devastating, not only because it encourages weight gain, but also because self-esteem suffers greatly, lowering. Those who have little self-confidence experience feelings of anxiety and sadness, with a significantly negative impact on relationships.

Enjoying the summer without gaining a gram: it works!

Therefore, according to doctors, the formula for preserving psychophysical well-being is the following: eat healthily, sleep well and do moderate but constant physical activity. To lose weight safely, it is therefore necessary to make sure that you bring to your table nutritious, fresh and seasonal foods. It is important to increase consumption of fibre and reduce fat. Hydration also plays a fundamental role. In summer the body loses a lot of liquids due to heat and sweat, so to stay in shape it is essential to consume the right amount of water.

These are golden rules for enjoying summer in a healthy way, while also losing weight. An example of what the meals could be like is the following. A breakfast you can consume two wholemeal biscuits with a fruit and milk, without adding sugar. Mid-morning as snack you can eat a seasonal fruit, remember to drink one or two glasses of water. The lunch It should be balanced and contain fiber, protein and fat. You can consume 70 g of whole wheat pasta with vegetables and grilled chicken.

Come afternoon snack you can eat a low-fat yogurt. A cena prefer white meats and fresh fish with a side of vegetables and some carbohydrates. Remember to drink at least two liters of water a day and do physical exercise. These healthy habits will help you lose weight and boost your self-esteemare in fact the winning weapons for losing weight safely and enjoying the summer.

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