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Tele-support for breastfeeding, 25% increase in rate 3 months after giving birth

The indications of the Italian Society of Neonatology for an integrated organization between hospital and territory

Rome, 17 June 2024 – A 25% increase in the rate of exclusive breastfeeding 3 months after giving birth thanks to tele-support for parents compared to standard assistance and can have a positive effect even up to 6 months is the data found by a recent study.

The development of telecommunications over the last 150 years has been impressive, both in terms of the tools (“devices”) and the type of connectivity and, during the Covid-19 pandemic, the use of telemedicine has exploded.

Based on these experiences, the Italian Society of Neonatology (SIN) has created and disseminated a Position Statement on Tele-support for Breastfeeding, coordinated by Dr. Riccardo Davanzo, President of the Breastfeeding Commission of the Italian Society of Neonatology (COMASIN).

In the document, the SIN has, first of all, highlighted the great effectiveness, in terms of promoting and supporting breastfeeding, of the use of these new technologies in the medical field and has identified and described the requirements, examining the relevant regulations.

SIN conducted qualitative research according to the Focus Group methodology, on a sample of nurses and doctors from Italian Neonatology, showing how, although communication between healthcare workers and mothers is more difficult, tele-support for breastfeeding is appreciated by families, also allowing the desired participation of fathers to a greater extent, compared to the usual in-person consultations.

During the pandemic, healthcare personnel carried out this activity in hospitals once again with personal commitment and dedication, rarely being able to count on an adequate company organization that provided the necessary devices and specific training.

Although legislative decrees on telemedicine were issued in 2022 and the PNRR itself recognizes telemedicine as having a central role in the reorganization of healthcare, the experiences of tele-support for breastfeeding, once the pandemic emergency has passed, in the absence of a precise project, have, unfortunately, come to a halt in most healthcare facilities, ignoring the great value that the World Health Organization (WHO) attributes to preventive interventions in the area of ​​maternal and child health.

“A Scottish study (Ajetunmobi O et al. PLoS One 2024 May 22), published a few days ago, confirmed once again how breastfeeding improves the health status of the pediatric population and reduces access to healthcare medical, actually lowers healthcare costs,” commented Dr. Davanzo.

The SIN underlines how in this situation simple telephone contact with the user remains the first method of breastfeeding support, which can allow triage for the planning of a support video call with adequately trained healthcare workers, when it is not possible to have a consultancy in person or in any case in a short time.

“In-person breastfeeding support visits should represent the effect of an efficient selection carried out via smartphone or computer and should be organized by the Health Authorities in integration between hospital and local structures”, concludes Luigi Orfeo, President of SIN.

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