Italy 24 Press News

Marina Abramovic. Last days to live an immersive experience

Until June 18th, not to be missed at the Pescheria Visual Arts Center in Pesaro is the Italian premiere of “The Life”, the immersive work by Marina Abramović and Tin Drum, which for the first time in the history of art offers a performance in a double dimension : physical and digital. The Life is a unique three-dimensional cinematic experience – lasting 19 minutes – featuring an original performance by the legendary artist, presented as a full-scale mixed reality event. A profound reflection on nature and technology, body and memory. As in a moving meditation, the artist transitions between worlds, dissolving and reforming both as art and as energy, time and space.

Presented at the Serpentine Gallery in London in 2019, the work has crossed the world, coming to life in various cities, even reaching the goal of a record auction sale at Christie’s London autumn event in 2020. Even before the globalized world experienced the forced isolation caused by the covid-19 pandemic, developing strategies to maintain one’s social connection, the artist asked himself the question of the dematerialization of the body and its transposition into a dimension disconnected from the here and now. In Pesaro the immersive event debuts with an expanded format, enriched with original costumes and acoustic elements.

“It is a great honor to have been invited to Pesaro 2024 – says Marina Abramovic -. I know that Pesaro Capitale is focused on the relationship between science, nature and technology; my work is based on the performing arts and this is my first experiment in using new technologies and to broaden the idea of ​​how the performing arts can be seen in the future if the artist is no longer physically present”.

Each participant is invited to get rid of any electronic device and wear an augmented reality viewer, through which they can visualize the boundaries of an empty room. The hologram of the artist Marina Abramović moves at the center of the virtual environment, whose performance can be observed by the public freely and from any angle. The absence of barriers and screens provides the opportunity to grasp new points of view, living a one-of-a-kind experience together with the artist. To conclude the marathon on June 18th at 9.30pm, at the Rossini Theatre, “The Life” will be at the center of a public debate between Marina Abramovic and the opera’s director Todd Eckert: the evening will focus on the themes of work and the function of technology in art and life.

Tickets available on, Tipico Tips, Teatro Rossini ticket office.

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