Italy 24 Press News

Woman died from complications of Covid: two doctors convicted for omission of official duties

With the verdict pronounced at the end of the abbreviated trial, the Trani magistrate, Anna Lucia Altamurasentenced to one year in prison for omission of official acts the 54 year old Rita Capraro and the 60 year old Paolo Saracino. These are the two doctors – respectively the one on duty in the emergency room of theTrani hospital (photo) and his colleague from the medical guard – who were accused in the investigation into the death of Antonia Abbatangelo41 year old from Trani who died on 19 November 2020 atDimiccoli hospital in Barlettawhere she remained hospitalized for six days following complications from Covid.

The two doctors were instead acquitted of the charge of manslaughter “for not having committed the crime”, in line with the requests of the public prosecutor, who had asked for their acquittal. Furthermore, compensation was ordered for the woman’s family members, who had taken civil action.

Mrs. Abbatangelo, mother of a one-year-old child, suffered from obesity. On 12 November 2020, due to the unavailability of the 118 service, she was accompanied to the first aid station in Trani, where she arrived in critical condition. There the doctor on duty, without even examining her, would have told her to contact the medical guard, who in turn would have told her to return to the emergency room. At that point the 41-year-old returned home, without a diagnosis and without anyone having subjected her to a verification swab.


From the documents it appears that the woman’s condition was already critical, given the obvious signs of cyanosis. The following day, therefore, Mrs. Abbatangelo went with her own vehicle to the hospital in Barletta, where she was diagnosed as positive for Covid and where she underwent the first operations, and was then intubated until November 19th, the day of her death due to “acute respiratory distress syndrome caused by Covid-19 in a patient with third degree obesity resulting in irreversible heart failure”.

According to the investigators, the two doctors “unduly refused” to take charge of the patient. A rebound of responsibility that caused a serious delay in the treatment to be administered to the patient. Both were also accused of violating the 2020 operational protocol, drawn up by the 118 health emergency system of the provinces of Bari and Bat, according to which cyanosis had to be classified as code red.

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