“study to discover adverse causes of vaccines”

The leader of the Civil Rights Movement, Franco Corbelliasks, as anticipated today on La Verità, that “is promoted internationally, by the best and true scientists, one targeted study on adverse effects to discover the causes and thus be able to indicate appropriate therapies for all those people who have been seriously damaged by the anti-bite Covid and which unfortunately continue to be abandoned and forgotten today and which only very few (above all La Verità) continue to deal with. Adverse reactions are the real, dramatic global emergency.”

“This must be finally addressed by investing every resource and involving the best energies in the world in the fields of medicine and science. Over 2 years have passed since, in March 2022, Civil Rights asked, for the first time in Italy, from the pages of La Verità, the establishment of a task force on adverse effects. Our prevention work for this emergency has continued uninterruptedly over the last 24 months, together and thanks to the great and courageous newspaper of Belpietro and De’ Manzoni which continues every day to provide fundamental information to shed full light and justice on everything what happened, on how horrendous was done against a defenseless and persecuted people who were attacked, offended, in many cases even mocked, and blackmailed into being inoculated with an experimental serum, under penalty of brutal suppression of all rights and ‘exclusion from social life’.

“There are still those who deny the tragedy of sudden deaths”

“Today, despite what still continues to happen, it even goes so far as to deny itas was done once again in the last few hours by one of the many well-known virostars, the tragedy of sudden deaths, of healthy people of all ages, especially young people, who continue to devastate the lives of thousands of families in our country and around the world. These true deniers in saying these things and in denying the enormous catastrophe that is there for all to see, feel no shame or remorse for everything they have said and done against weak and defenseless people in these last 3 years.” , continues the Civil Rights leader.

“We who had predicted, reported repeatedly (also on this StrettoWeb newspaper) for three years (from March 2021 after the first inexplicable deaths of young soldiers, healthcare workers and school staff, the first categories to use the drug Astrazeneca) and we could have avoided everything, today we continue our campaign to help people damaged by the serum and we remain convinced and confident that soon this emergency will also be overcome and we will return to a “normal” situation. This is why we ask once again for a great medical-scientific effort in research to discover the causes and treat adverse effects”, closes Corbelli.

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