Italy 24 Press News

Romina Power shocked, what did Albano put out of his mouth after years: “she’s really an s…”

The possibility of a rapprochement between Al Bano Carrisi and Romina Power was extinguished after the singer’s strong words about his ex.

There love story Between Al Bano Carrisi And Romina Power, their marriage and the birth of their children had been followed assiduously by the public, who dreamed at the thought of such a wonderful story between two such famous and talented people.

United in life and music, the two singers have come a long way piece Of road together, a path which, unfortunately, then split, causing each of the two to take a different one.

The estrangement between the two, in fact, began after the disappearance of their daughter Ylenia Carrisi, an event that shocked the Italian society of the time and not only: it often happens that when such a tragic event happens in a family, the couple can suffer from it.

If anyone thought that this break between the two could be temporary, it did not turn out to be so, given that Al Bano found happiness together with Loredana Lecciso, with whom he also had two other children, Yasmine Carrisi and Al Bano Junior Carrisi. The last dim lights of hope were extinguished when the singer made clear statements about his ex-wife.

The flashback between Al Bano Carrisi and Romina Power is impossible

It was only last year when the singer of Cellino San Marco had, after years, revealed to the public what he actually felt for his ex-wife and what role he attributed to her in his life – the two still have children in common, therefore it would not have been possible not to have more contact than All.

During an interview, Al Bano said he was aware that his ex still had feelings for him, but that “this feeling is not reciprocated”, he stated, “For me she is like a sister. There is still a lot partnership, yes, but now we are like brother and sister.”

Al Bano and Romina’s performance at Sanremo 2020 (ANSAfoto) –

From the relationship between exes to a partnership like that between brother and sister

Even if the hope of a rapprochement is now completely extinguished, Al Bano however, he stated that he had found the right dimension in his relationship with the ex and to always have the pleasure of being with Romina on stage.

He also reiterated his love for his current partner Loredana Lecciso, who, apparently, would also be very respectful towards Romina Power: it seems that the latter asked the showgirl not to show up at the party for the 80 years old of Al Bano, and that she accepted.

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