Italy 24 Press News

“Fabrizio Corona will have another boy and has already decided on the name”: the revelation about the baby on the way

The former king of the paparazzi had expressed the desire to have a girl

After Carlos Maria, Fabrizio Corona will have another son. Although the former paparazzi had expressed the desire to have a baby girl with his partner Sara Barbieri, will have to welcome another male into the family. This was revealed by the “social investigator” Alessandro Rosica.

“It will be a boy and I am the first to say it with certainty – he wrote on his profile – In a preview I will tell you that it is a beautiful boy, very reliable source. I hope Fabrizio Corona can do better than what he did before.” Corona has already announced that he wants to name his son: Fabrizio Corona Junior.

About a month ago my girlfriend called me and said ‘come home, quick’. – Corona had declared – I go and see her all elegantly dressed, placed in a corner all intimidated and red. She had this thing in her hand which was the vibrator box. I ask her ‘what happened? what do you do with that stuff?‘. She gives me the box in my hand, I open it and see the pregnancy test. I was moved I admit. Becoming a father at 50 is a great and beautiful experience especially when you have a 22 year old son. So at least Carlos can grow up with someone and take the inheritance“.

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