Italy 24 Press News

The Cynical Beautician is a saint for La 7: “She gave visibility to Brera. Her party? Contemporary art”. But is it all true? – MOW

Mwhile Professor Cremaschi of Potere al Popolo praises the “guillotine, because the rich must be afraid again” essentially passing for an exalted terrorist (even if, in content and certainly not in form, he is the only one to have some glimmer of reason ), Sgarbi raves: “The beautician did well because communication is a difficult thing and she made it known that the library exists.” Nobody disagrees. The person directly involved intervenes, with a touching look: “I feel very saddened. It is certainly something that was intended to enhance Brera. We had Spanish guests, showing them that we have Milanese excellence like Brera made me proud. If there was a negative perception, however, it means that I did something wrong. And I am ready to do, from now on, different activities to enhance culture, if these have offended someone’s sensitivity. I am the daughter of workers, I didn’t know that you couldn’t even bring water to that place. We respected all the rules that had been told to us, we were surrounded by supervisors.”

Cremaschi, heroic, doesn’t let him get away with it: “The fact is that we are faced with the destruction of the public. I don’t know, maybe tomorrow there will be a nice stag party inside the Colosseum to ‘enhance culture’. With the participants disguised as gladiators and slaves, why not? We are a society that is returning to Marie Antoinette, or rather, to the Middle Ages. Rights and the sense of social justice are being destroyed: the rich are rich through merit, the poor through no fault of their own. In such a barbaric society, parties are celebrated, like in the days of brioche. When faced with facts of this type, I feel the need for the guillotine.”

Cremaschi is made out to be an imbecile, Parenzo defines every controversy as “simply idiotic because Fogazzi paid to do that event (aridaje, ed.)”. Paone calls Andy Warhol into question: “Anyone who has even read the history of pop art and Wahrol knows that there is nothing wrong with contamination. The students of the Brera Academy who are indignant amaze me. Private individuals are welcome. , thank you for being there and paying! Fogazzi takes advantage: “The lack of funding for culture in Italy is an important issue. We are third to last in Europe, I want to remember that. However, we must not start from the fact that we are right. After that first post in which I supported my opinion against criticism because it was hurting me a lot, I listened and if this type of valorization is perceived as exclusive it is not good because culture must belong to everyone. I’ll tell you, David, if this is the perception: even if I didn’t want to, I made a mistake.”

“Honestly, I still find these controversies against you stupid, Fogazzi, but I really appreciate the fact that you are here to put your face to it and respond. Yours is a beautiful story. She started as an employee of a small shop from which she was fired and, during Covid, she invented a new job which then became a huge business, capable of creating jobs”. In short, there were some! But the This is certainly not the problem, we don’t even agree with those who call her a parvenu in a negative sense. If Fogazzi made herself, good for her, credit where credit is due.

The horror is to see, on La7 and not even on Canale 5, a fake debate that is so subservient to the ‘power’ of the moment. The power of the queen of slimming creams, of sgami on the perfect waxing. L’Aria che Tira decides to dedicate an entire block to the controversy that has been inflaming social media in the last few hours, starting from the grim assumption that there is a party, Fogazzi, who holds a monopoly on reason, absolute and pure. Because she, as she is presented from the beginning, “he’s a social media star overwhelmed by an absolutely ridiculous controversy.” Point. Actually, semicolon. “Furthermore, she has been nominated Knight of the Republic and today is also her birthday”, adds David Parenzo to celebrate her. Literally. Fogazzi is described to the public as a real institution, a patron misunderstood by a group of poor dissidents. A saint who acts with the sole purpose of “enhancing culture in Italy” but who is accused of the ‘original sin’ of not being born rich. Poor martyr. And so Brera “needs her to have greater visibility”, the only hope for the survival of culture in our most unfortunate country is hanging on by a superfluous hair. Okay, we’ve heard enough.

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