Italy 24 Press News

Tears for Schumacher: his wife’s final act of love

Michael Schumacher’s skiing accident in December 2013 changed his life and that of his family forever. The dedication of his wife Corinna

For more than ten years now, all the fans and enthusiasts of Formula 1, but not only, have been hoping every day that happy news will arrive regarding the fate of Michael Schumacher. The seven-time F1 world champion saw his life turned upside down when he fell from his skis way back in December 2013.

Corinna, wife of the Formula 1 champion, never left her husband after the accident, taking the management of everything on her shoulders (LaPresse –

Although practically a decade has passed since the day of the accident, in reality there has not been much updated information on the health conditions of the former Ferrari legend for several years now because his wife Corinne took charge of everything, defending her husband from the search for news by the press. And it is precisely on the love choices of his wife who for years has been protecting the privacy of her family that ‘La Gazzetta dello Sport’ has dedicated an in-depth analysis in these hours to pay homage to his dedication.

Corinne Schumacher and her protection of her husband Michael

On the columns of rosy in these hours a touching article has appeared which takes up the journey of over the last ten years on the living conditions of the Schumacher family. Since that distant December 29, 2013, the family situation has completely changed for all the relatives of the seven-time World champion who fell while skiing in Meribel, France.

Schumacher’s story has never abandoned the hearts of his fans: Corinna protects him (LaPresse

An excerpt from the article also includes the words of a family friend who celebrates the effort that the wife of the Formula 1 legend puts in every day. “It is like Corinna had completely canceled herself for the love of her Schumi. She lives as a recluse, always inside her villa, without ever seeing anyoneexplained this close acquaintance of the Schumacher family.

For all lovers and fans of Schumi it is appreciable to see that after more than ten years their idol’s wife always remains so close to him and protects him from all the possible repercussions in terms of the media that could arise in his condition. An effort that however costs a lot to Corinna and also to her closest family members such as her children and her brother Ralf (also a former Formula 1 driver).

A long battle that the wife of the seven-time world champion has been living for over a decade driven by the indissoluble love for her husband, pampered and protected from the outside world. An authentic sacrifice of oneself for the good of others, as underlined by the rosea.

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