Italy 24 Press News

“What Am I Trying to Do”

Aurora Ramazzotti became a mother a year ago, her life completely changed with the arrival of little Cesare. What the girl revealed on social media.

Daughter of two great artists, Aurora has always developed a great empathy towards his fans and those who love his parents. Dad Eros and mom Michelle they have an infinite number of supporters. He does go crazy everyone with her music and her with the programs that keep the audience company at home.

Aurora’s life has always been full of events love. Despite the separation, Eros and Michelle have slowly built a healthy and balanced relationship, everything to allow the girl to grow in love and serenity. It arrived in Aurora’s life over the years Goffredo Cerzathe man of her life.

Aurora Ramazzotti talks about herself without filters after giving birth

The love story with Goffredo gave her a gift a unique emotion, that of being able to become mom. Aurora is very young but the desire to be able to build a family together with her soulmate was stronger than anything else. The small Caesar came a year ago in their life, distorting it completely. The baby is everyone’s joy, his grandparents are crazy about him and every free moment is worth running to him to cuddle him. In any case, Aurora’s life must slowly regain its rhythm, inevitably her commitments as a mother change her plans. It’s all about knowing how to reorganize yourself.

From Aurora Ramazzotti’s social profile, the motivational outburst one year after giving birth

Ramazzotti let herself go to one vent with his followers about his life one year after giving birth. Aurora talked about how much before her pregnancies she liked to train: “I did it even five times a week. For me it was a priority”. Inevitably, as the months passed and the little one was born, the pace slowed down. Today Aurora is trying to find the motivation within herself to take back her workouts. Physical fitness is very important, especially for mental balance. Through her Instagram profile Aurora wanted to send a message to all her fans: “Find the motivation within yourself. It all starts from there, I’m trying”. A child changes all plans, becoming the top priority in your life. In any case, his arrival is the most beautiful emotion that life can give you. For this reason, the important thing is to never give up and find the strength within yourself to rebalance everything. Aurora, together with Goffredo and Cesare, formed a family wonderful. The beginning of a journey unforgettable to live together.

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