Italy 24 Press News

«At first I suffered from depression. During pregnancy you don’t always have to be happy”

Rosalinda Cannavò soon to be a mother. The late Adua del Vesco, girlfriend of Andrea Zenga, is seven months pregnant and on her social networks she indulged in an outburst in which she talks about the joy of pregnancy but also the pain of this period. These are confessions that the actress had never made.

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Rosalinda Cannavò pregnant, the social outburst

In a series of Instagram Stories Rosalinda confessed to her followers that she fell into moments of depression after discovering she was pregnant. The outburst arises from the need to respond to those who have written to her over and over again that pregnancy is the most beautiful period of a woman’s life. «I am surprised by the lack of tact, delicacy and kindness that I find in many people, especially on social media. Because on social media you easily hide behind a profile. The thing that shocks me most is that many women tell me that pregnancy is just a moment of joy and is not a permanent hospitalization. I think, on the contrary, what’s going through your head? And what’s even more absurd is that the majority of people sending messages and having such attitudes are women. Should I feel ashamed and afraid in telling and saying that there are moments during pregnancy when I’m not well? Because I’m pregnant and I’m not sick, should I always be in seventh heaven?”

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The difficulties of pregnancy

The outburst continues: «I won’t deny that, especially at the beginning of the pregnancy, I felt so ashamed to talk about the discomforts linked to my state of mind. I believe that in this world there is no longer kindness towards others. I see people who don’t want to waste five minutes of their life to give priority to a pregnant woman. But I’m about to tell you something very intimate and personal. At the beginning of my pregnancy I was depressed. I use this term because I’m not ashamed to say it. I was always crying, I couldn’t understand what was happening to me. At the same time I blamed myself because I often received the answers “you have no right to be depressed because you are pregnant and you must be the happiest woman in the world”. I was really ill at that moment and it’s not easy for me to tell you these things.” Rosalinda Cannavò is aware of the fact that these days are testing that “they never come back” but she understands the difficulties. «Pregnancy is a wonderful journey and there is no doubt about this-she concluded she-she. This does not mean that we do not have the right to express our fears and fragilities. The pregnant woman does not acquire a special superpower that makes her invincible.”

Rosalinda and Andrea, who have been together since 2021, will become parents of a girl in September. A few days ago they discovered the sex of the baby the actress is carrying.


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