Italy 24 Press News

«Elodie is light, sunny. With her I was reborn. Children? There is also a family in my future.”

The proverb «if they are roses, they will bloom» tells the beginning of the relationship between Elodie And Andrea Iannone: she is fresh from the love story with Marracash, he has had relationships with Giulia De Lellis and Belen behind him. And yet, almost two years after their first meeting, the famous singer and the champion and motorcycle racer are more united and in love than ever. Maximum complicity and lots of love.

In the professional field he has changed and has chosen to play his cards on the word “race” to send a message of inclusiveness. In fact, he has become an ambassador for the women’s motorbike world championship, which begins over the weekend in Misano. After his four-year disqualification for doping, Andrea Iannone was able to count on the boundless support of his partner. And she too seems to rely on him more and more. In defiance of all predictions.

The words of Andrea Iannone

When Andrea Iannone talks about his Elodie he can’t hold back his emotion. «Elodie is light, simple – explained Andrea Iannone to Repubblica -.

Cheerful and sunny. How wonderful and how lucky to live with her. Family, children? At the moment I am focused on returning and my immediate future. I don’t make long-term plans anymore, in the past everything collapsed and it hurt twice. But definitely, there is also a family in my future.”

The phrase on the helmet

Andrea Iannone explained that “only one race, human race” is written on his helmet: a phrase that has a profound meaning. «An idea of ​​mine, inspired by Einstein’s words – he explained -. The symbol of peace, the colors of the rainbow. These are difficult times: I no longer open Instagram to avoid seeing images of war and dying children. With so much visibility, it seems right to me to send at least one message: only by respecting human beings, regardless of skin color, sexual orientation, political ideas, religion, will we be able to regain some serenity.”

Last update: Saturday 15 June 2024, 08:44


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