Italy 24 Press News

Salvini responds to Fedez: “At 40, no more prank calls. I stopped at 12: you made a raspberry and then you threw it down”

«I stopped making prank calls when I was 12…”word of Matteo Salvini, victim of a prank call by Fedez, in the aftermath of the European elections. During a live broadcast on Twitch with Il Rosso, the rapper proposed calling the leader of the League, amid general skepticism. «Shall we try Salvini? – he proposed – He won’t answer me anyway, I can say that the call went out…”. Obviously Salvini responded, and everyone burst out laughing. From there a clumsy attempt to put things right: «Matteo sorry, the call came from me, forgive me! But how did it go? Good, come on. A hug, let’s talk these days».

Salvini responds to Fedez: “I stopped making prank calls when I was 12”

The joke on Salvini goes viral

And so, the video taken from the live broadcast went viral on social media And the Northern League leader seems not to have taken it well. «I like some of Fedez’s songs, even if he never particularly loved me – says the deputy prime minister during a live social broadcast -. He played a joke on me: yesterday my phone rang, it was 11, 11-thirty in the evening. If someone calls you at that time, answer, you never know. I told him to meet for a coffee and then today I find out in the newspapers that it was a prank call.” Then, I stopped making them when I was 12when there was the telephone where you turned your finger, made a raspberry and then threw it down… At 40 maybe the time for prank calls is over.”

Fedez and Salvini, a difficult relationship

The relationship between Fedez and Matteo Salvini has never been the best: the two often had divergent opinions and never failed to publicly express their hostility. Just remember Fedez’s attack during the 2021 May Day Concertwhen accused the League of obstructing the Zan bill, or when he mocked Salvini on social media in the case of the famous “Sorry, are you dealing?” on the intercom, during the regional election campaign in Emilia Romagna.

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