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Francesco Facchinetti had to say goodbye to him, the heartbreaking words: “I tried to…” | unfortunately it went like this anyway

Francesco Facchinetti –

Francesco Facchinetti makes a very important decision: here is how the man reacted to an important change and the words he reserved for this moment.

Francesco Andrea Facchinetti changed several paths throughout his life: the professional and physical transformation of man it is evident if you look closely at the images of his debut and those he currently shares through his social profiles.

The son of one of the members of Pooh, Roby Facchinettimade his debut in the world of music years ago, trying to follow in his father’s footsteps but in a completely different genre from the Italian melodic song.

With the nickname of DJ Francesco he began to produce some songs, among which we remember The Captain’s Songwhich in 2003 was a real hit, capable of conquering the ears of adults and children.

Many things have changed since that moment: Francesco has grown and chosen another professional path for himself, that of a manager. Currently he is owner of NewCo Managementa consultancy agency for various personalities from the world of entertainment, but also for influencers and singers.

Francesco Facchinetti: gossip, important loves and extended families

Francesco Facchinetti’s private life has also undergone important changes, which have often been the subject of gossip. Not everyone remembers his brief but intense relationship with Aida Yespica: the two had fallen in love while participating in the reality show The Island of the Famousbut theirs was not a relationship destined to last.

She then entered Facchinetti’s life Alessia Marcuzzi: Mia was born from their love, protagonist of numerous shots that Francesco shares on his Ig profile. However, the manager seems to have found true serenity next to the woman he married, Wilma Helena Faissol, mother of his children Leone and Lavinia.

Francesco Facchinetti on

Francesco Facchinetti shows all his efforts: the inevitable decision

Like many of his other VIP colleagues, Francesco Facchinetti has also decided to get in shape in view of the upcoming summer. The 44-year-old documented through his Instagram profile the path that led him to lose 8 kilos in a couple of months. The man has decided to say goodbye to the extra pounds to enjoy the holidays with a newfound physical well-being. From 90 kilos to 82.5: a decrease with which he is very satisfied, as he says in his Ig stories.

“How did I lose these kilos? First of all by going to the gym, two or three times a week, working a lot on cardio, so not overdoing the weights”, explained Faccchinetti. Alongside physical activity, of course, the choice of an adequate diet was fundamental: the former DJ Francesco follows a mostly vegan diet, in which he has eliminated meat and eats fish very rarely. The manager also eliminated carbonated drinks and alcohol. “So by trying to listen to your body a little, you can do the right things and above all lose weight”reiterated Facchinetti.

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