Italy 24 Press News

Beatrice Luzzi, ‘suspicious’ lunch with Giorgio Restelli

Lots of confidence and… intimacy Between Beatrice Luzzi And George Restelli. The second finalist of Big Brother and the former artistic director of Mediaset (formerly of Roberta Capua), I was surprised while they had lunch together in a restaurant, smiling and relaxed. To give it scoopalso talking about the ‘new couple’ born, was the site RealGossip, where some were published photo: table for two, winking smiles and clearly pleasant conversation, and then leaving the place together, only to move away at the sight of the paparazzo. May the meeting be for reasons professional or romantic it is not known, but nothing can be ruled out.

Meanwhile, one wonders how Giuseppe Garibaldi took it, which only a few days ago he had declared to be firmly determined in wanting regain the actress: “I’m trying in every way, spending myself one hundred percent. I’m in love and I want to live it like I wasn’t able to do in the House”I had confessed the former tenant of the GF to the weekly with an open heart My. Finally, Luzzi’s antagonist certainly won’t be worried, Maximilian Varresewhich recently published a single in which he seems to be talking about Bea, setting his to music stormy relationship with the ex gieffina, which many followers did not like at all.

Beatrice Luzzi, forgets Garibaldi and starts again with Roberta Capua’s ex: the indiscretion

Nothing certain, let’s be clear, but Beatrice Luzzi and Roberta Capua’s ex, Giorgio RestelliThey were paparazzi together with the restaurant. In photo exclusively published by RealGossip, the two are quite intimate and happy together: many smiles and knowing glances, only cooled by the sight of the photographer once outside the club. Whether one is being born or not new couple It’s not known, but this news will certainly put Giuseppe Garibaldi in a bit of a crisis. The former gieffino, in fact, had only recently spoken out determined in wanting regain the actress at all costs, revealing who we are very much in love: “Am I in love? When we got back together last March, I already knew I was in love, but I was afraid of exposing myself because I was afraid of being accused of wanting to create a dynamic – has explained in the interview with My -. I told her without a microphone. Yes, I’m in love and I’m trying to win her back because I want to experience it like I haven’t been able to do in the past. I know it’s not a game, there’s still that magic between us.” Who knows now how this one will take shower coldwhether he will give up or whether he will remain firm in his intent and will continue to court the ex of Live.

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