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Prince William provides (comforting) updates on Kate Middleton’s health

“Everything’s fine, thank you. Yes, we’re fine». With these words the prince William has just reassured royal fans during his last royal engagement. The future king traveled to the north-east of England on Tuesday 30 April, where he met the finalists of the Earthshot Prize and visited a charity that helps people with mental health problems. During a stop in James’ Place Newcastle, William was approached by several supporters including two women who asked him about his family: his wife Kate Middleton who fights cancer and their three children, George, Charlotte and Louis, aged 10, 8 and 6 respectively, who find themselves facing their mother’s illness. «Do you mind if I ask how your wife and children are doing?» said one of the two ladies. And the prince, smiling: «We’re all fine, thank you». A scene shared on Instagram by a royal fan account.

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William during the new public release has then received some tickets for his children George, Charlotte and Louis. And a special greeting card for the thirteen years of marriage with Kate (anniversary celebrated on Monday 29 April). The Prince of Wales promised that he would take them home, and show them to the whole family.

It is not the first time that William has spoken in public about his sick wife. On April 20, on the occasion of his first royal duty after the video in which Middleton announced that he had cancer, the prince visited a charity. And a volunteer, delivering them cards wishing his wife and her father, King Charles, success in their respective battles with cancer, had urged him to “take care” of the Princess of Wales. He, moved, had repeated several times: “I will do it, I will do it.”

Now the new statements with which he wanted to reassure fans not only about the health of his wife, who has been away from the public scene since last December, but also about the well-being of their children. For the little ones, who have recently returned to school after the holidays spent with their parents at Amner Hall, these are the most difficult days ever. Yet as you had revealed at the beginning of April a source a Peoplethey are demonstrating «one extraordinary resilience». Kate, together with William, spoke to his children about his tumor, explaining that with treatment he will be back in perfect shape. And the children, despite their initial fear, reacted well: «George, Charlotte and Louis were fantastic, their resilience left everyone speechless. They are always close to their mother and They help her a lot to keep her mood up. They support both Kate and William with smiles and many moments of fun”. And for Middleton “at this moment joy is the best cure”.

We still don’t know when we’ll see the princess in public again. But last April 18, with William, Kate sent her thoughts and her closeness to Australia via social media after the terrible knife attack in Sydney. A small step, according to several royal observers, towards her return (in the flesh) to the scene.

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