Italy 24 Press News

European Commission, investigation into Shein and Temu: doubts about Chinese platforms

Friday 28th June was certainly not an easy day for Shein and Temu. The two well-known e-commerce sites, in fact, have found themselves officially placed in the sights of the European Commission. The reason? The companies will have to comprehensively demonstrate that they have followed the previous indications provided. This means having totally adapted to regulations provided by the Digital Services Act (Dsa). We are therefore talking about the European law that proceeds to guarantee the security and transparency of all digital services operating within the borders of the old continent. It has been in force since August 2023 and it is time for the Commission to carry out widespread checks.

Doubts about Shein and Temu

Generally speaking, when referring to Shein and Temu it’s easy to find yourself talking about dure controversy. In the first case, for example, the company seemed almost on the brink of collapse when the internal working conditions of its employees. However, little has been done in this regard and, despite many justified protests embraced on the web, the one in support of those who are exploited in that environment has interested few and for a short time. In fact, the purchases continue at full speed, as in the case of Temu.

This is despite the fact that e-commerce, launched in Italy not long ago, has experienced more than a few problems in terms of data security. In fact, we know that the platform was developed by PDD Holdings, a Chinese company registered in the Cayman Islands. Well known for managing Pinduoduoanother famous platform but intended only for the Chinese market. This is where suspicions about Pinduoduo arise, which in 2023 was suspended from the Android Play Store because it contained portions of code capable of performing actions not declared in the official documentation. Analysis conducted by cybersecurity experts on behalf of CNN had observed how the app had been designed to start a mechanism of “privilege escalation”. In fact, after installation, continued to climb permitsto the point of acquiring data without users’ authorization.

European Commission on Chinese e-commerce

The European Commission intends to focus mainly on a verification of some specific mechanisms. We talk about a guarantee to users regarding the possibility of Report the sale of illegal products on their online stores.

Temu and Shein will also have to demonstrate that their interfaces do not exhibit what are called “dark pattern”. These are well-designed graphics designed to induce the user to perform potentially risky actions for their data, inadvertently and involuntarily.

It has been indicated as maximum time limit next July 12th. Once all the documents have been received, the European Commission will proceed to launch a formal investigation into them, if it deems it necessary.

Environmentalists rejoice, as they ultimately hope that the Shein and Temu projects will fail completely. The business model they carry out, in fact, is considered totally unsustainable from the point of view of respect for the environment. The health of the planet is being sold, as well as low-cost clothes and everyday objects.

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