Italy 24 Press News

Amazon Joins Other Giants in the $2Trillion Club

Amazon has reached a market valuation of over 2 trillion dollars. Just in these days, the title of the Seattle giant closed at 193,61 dollars. This pushed the company’s capitalization to surpass that significant milestone. With this result, Amazon enters the exclusive club of companies with a valuation of over 2 trillion dollars. This is a group that already includes giants such as NVIDIA, Apple, Alphabet e Microsoft.

Amazon joins the elite club

Among these companies, NVIDIA stands out in particular for its impressive increase in registered capitalization In the 2024. This is mainly thanks to the impetus given by artificial intelligence. Amazon has also invested significantly inAIalthough it has not yet shown many solutions customer-oriented in this area. The situation is different with regard to business sector. In this regard, Amazon has introduced Bedrocka system that allows developers to third parts to integrate various generative artificial intelligence models into their products.

Per CNBCone of the factors that contributed to the increase in share value

of e-commerce is the recovery of Web Services division (AWS). After a period of apparent slowdown, the latter seems to be growing again. At the moment, in fact, AWS is a pillar for Amazon revenue. And that’s not all.

Rumors are emerging about an Amazon project for the realization of one’s own chatbot AI. This is a project that, if confirmed, could represent a significant advancement in the artificial intelligence sector for the company. At the moment, they are not there yet certain details on when such a solution might be released. Furthermore, there are also rumors of a new version of Alexa. The latter appears to still be in development phase. So, not ready for an imminent launch. Amazon continues to evolve demonstrating its ability to adapt and innovate to respond to market trends. This is one of the reasons why the company managed to surpass the 2 trillion mark.

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