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not even a dollar to Bill Gates – Libero Quotidiano

A bit of an earthquake in the world of global high finance. Warren BuffettAmerican economist and philanthropist famous as “Oracle of Omaha” for the ability to smell the air and nail every move a Wall Street (anticipating booms and busts and acting accordingly in investments) has made public some provisions of his will.

Al Wall Street Journal the 93-year-old entrepreneur explained that after his death almost all of his patrimony will be destined for a charity fund supervised by his daughter and two sons. We are talking about a treasure estimated last June 17th at 133.5 billion dollarsmaking Buffet the eighth richest man in the world. None of that mountain of money will end up in the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. Surprising news, considering that over the years the president and CEO of Berkshire Hathaway has donated billions of dollars to the foundation of Bill Gatesthe “father” of Microsoft who once “retired” also decided to dedicate himself to philanthropy (his assets? 134.2 billion dollars…)

Buffett has controlled Berkshire since 1965 and has already sold half of his shares, converting 8,674 of the shares he still holds from “Class A” to “Class B” to be able to make donations, the company said. Corriere della Sera.

The last will of the American super billionaire therefore concerns only his children Susie, Howie and Peter, who will have to decide unanimously to whom to donate the inheritance solely for philanthropic purposes. That money, however, the patriarch specified, “should be used to help people who have not been as fortunate as us. There are eight billion people in the world and my children and I have been luckier than them by 100 percent or so There”.

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