Italy 24 Press News

Production at a standstill and companies in crisis. Industry freezes

TORINO — The horizon for large Italian companies is increasingly gray. The Confindustria Study Center says so. Although Production will remain stable in June according to the indications of the Viale dell’Astronomia association, increases the perceived risk of worsening: the percentage of companies expecting a contraction in production rises to 12.7% from 6.2%.

Slowdown in large companies: Cassa Integrazione boom

by Rosaria Amato, Diego Longhin

June 28, 2024

In practice, the number of entrepreneurs who are pessimistic about the trend of the coming months has doubled. The share of those expecting an improvement drops to 33.4% from 45%. For the sample of companies interviewed, demand and orders will continue to be the main driving factor for production, but expectations on production costs in the coming months remain negative. Climate that goes hand in hand with the recovery of the redundancy fund, which according to INPS data grew by 36.7% in Mayand the increase in crises in the metalworking sector, according to the Fim–Cisl report: almost 19 thousand new workers involved in the first six months of 2024 for a total of over 100 thousand workers. Three clues that prove it: the industry is holding up, but is struggling. The situation is different from the German one, but autumn could be much more difficult.

Also the Statewhile underlining the recovery from the telephone prefix in April, is cautious on the trend for the year. On a monthly basis the turnover grows by 0.8%, but if we look at the year the data is negative: minus 2%. The increase, both in value and volume, is the effect of the combination of a moderate increase in the domestic market (+1.6% in value and +1.3% in volume) and a slight decline in the foreign market (-0.6% in value and -0.3% in volume). The services sector is doing better, where Istat observes a growth of 2.3% in value and 2.2% in volume.

Silicon Box invests 3 billion, Piedmont will become the European cradle of chips

by Diego Longhin

June 29, 2024

If you look at a longer period, in April 2024 the industry turnover, corrected for calendar effects, causes two more working days compared to 2023, recorded a decrease in value of 2.0% (-1.7% on the domestic market and -2.5% on the foreign market) and an increase in volume of 0.5% (+0.9% on the domestic market and – 0.1% on the foreign market). «In April – underlines the Institute of Statistics – both the seasonally adjusted index of industry and that of services begin to grow again on a monthly basis. In the industrial sector, the greater liveliness of the internal component compensates for the negative dynamics for sales to foreign customers. In trend terms, the trends are differentiated with a growth in values ​​and volumes for services which is contrasted with a decline in value and a slight increase in volume for industry”. In the February-April quarter, industrial turnover decreased both in value (-1.6%) and in volume (-1.3%). The trend in services was positive, with an increase of 0.8% in value and 0.6% in volume. Only consumer goods (+1.3%) recorded increases, while intermediate goods (-2.9%), energy (-3.2%) and capital goods (-3.7%) showed a decrease..

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