Italy 24 Press News

Luce, stop at the protected market for 99 thousand families from Monday

From postponement to postponement, that date has arrived: the enhanced protection service ends from 1 July of electricity for domestic customers «not vulnerable» and we move on to the gradual protection service. The protected market will remain only for the “vulnerable”, that is, for those who are still in the protected market and are over 75 years old, or receive the “social bonus” (the bonus for electricity bills) or have a disability.

Across Italy, there are 3.7 million “non-vulnerable” domestic customers who will automatically switch to the gradual protection service

In essence, they will switch to electricity service with gradual protections approximately 99 thousand families in the Bergamo area. The calculations were drawn up by Hera, a publicly controlled multi-utility based in Bologna, which won the auction held by Arera – the Energy Market Regulatory Authority – for the management of non-vulnerable customers who have not chosen the free market and who will therefore transition to the new contractual regime. Throughout Italy, there are 3.7 million “non-vulnerable” domestic customers who will automatically switch to the gradual protection service: to cover the country, a tender was held which was won by various companies depending on the province put to tender.

The conditions

As Hera specifies, «the conditions of the service with gradual protection, the same throughout Italy, are those defined by Arera. There will be two main components of the energy price: a first part, which will be variable, covers energy supply costs, and will derive from the average of wholesale market prices (single national price, Pun). Added to this is a fixed component, aimed at covering marketing costs which, by virtue of the tender discounts, will result in savings for the customer compared to the current greater protection. As regards invoicing, this will continue to be bimonthly”. The transition is automatic (you do not have to sign any new contract or give any particular communications or report the bank direct debit details) and without any charge.

To meet the needs of new customers, Arera has made more channels available: the website, the dedicated toll-free number 800.554.000 and the branches in Bergamo, Caravaggio, Spirano, Treviglio, Albino, Alzano Lombardo, Nembro, Clusone, Leffe and Sotto il Monte.

But is the graduated protection service worth it? It would seem so, and Arera itself suggests this, according to which – “based on the elements currently available” – the gradual protection service would guarantee on average a saving of around 113 euros per year compared to the protected market.

The mockery for the “vulnerable”

Also because it is on the horizon a price increase for those who remain in the protected market. The periodic price review, communicated a few days ago by Arera, indicates that the next quarter’s update (July-September 2024) for the electricity bill of the “typical customer” will see an increase of 12%. “The downward trend in natural gas and electricity prices that characterized the last quarter of 2023 and the beginning of 2024 has in fact stopped”, explains Arera. The National Consumers Union tries to translate these forecasts into practice: the 12% increase in the “typical customer” is equivalent to 52 euros more on an annual basis.


The July 1st deadline is now around the corner, the game is practically over. But it is precisely in the final rush that the last requests arrive. «We receive many requests for information – he confirms Mina Busi, president of Adiconsum –, there is still disorientation among consumers.” Also because a further variable is added: «Until 30 June, as confirmed by Arera, the protected users who had switched to the free market they can opt to return to the protected market. It is an option that we recommend, even though the time is almost up, because currently the rates on the free market are on average 30% higher than on the protected market”. And therefore: the protected market is more convenientfree market, and the service with gradual protections is in turn more convenient than the protected market. “It is a situation that makes one thing clear – adds Busi -: every choice should never be considered definitive, because there is no recipe that always works. Last year, for example, the free market had better prices than the protected market. Offers must be compared periodically and act accordingly, if possible”. Even vulnerable customers, however, will be able to move from the protected market to the service with gradual protections, by contacting Arera’s “consumer help desk”.

Until June 30, protected users who had switched to the free market can opt to return to the protected market

«The gradual protection service is currently more advantageous than the protected market – he confirms Christian Perria, President of Federconsumatori Bergamo –, so much so that we have given this advice to many users: if you are not vulnerable and are still under protection, do nothing, so as to automatically switch to the gradual protection service. The savings prospects seem interesting: the Arera data indicate that a savings projection of 113 euros per year are significant, it is a notable saving especially for some segments of the population and also compared to the difference in costs that can be found on average between the various suppliers on the free market”.

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