Italy 24 Press News

shares fall after news on investigation into 1 billion tax evasion From – Trading opens in the red for Campari (BIT:) after the Milan prosecutor’s office opened an investigation into the group for tax evasion.

At 10 am, the alcohol producer lost 2% compared to 9.3 euros per share the day before. The decline consolidates the negative trend of the Campari stock, which in the last week lost 5.40% on Piazza Affari.

And just a week ago, as Ansa writes, the Financial Police informed the Revenue Agency of the investigations carried out on Lagfin Italian Branch, the Italian branch of the Luxembourg holding of the Campari group, for an alleged tax evasion of over one billion euros , on a tax base of approximately 5 billion.

Campari and Lagfin deny this

After the news came out, Lagfin underlined “its absolute serenity regarding any possible dispute, which is only potential, as no assessment notice has been issued and this also due to the total absence of factual and legal conditions for its possible issue”.

Stressing that the company has “always fulfilled its tax obligations with the utmost scrupulousness in all jurisdictions in which it operates and considers any potential objection to be completely unfounded”.

Shortly afterwards Campari intervened directly to deny the news: “With regard to some articles published on 26 June in various newspapers – we read on the company website -, Campari Group specifies that neither Davide Campari-Milano NV nor any of its companies subsidiaries are being investigated by the authorities. Consequently, no impact is expected for Davide Campari-Milano NV nor for any of its companies.”

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