Italy 24 Press News

Bonuses expiring, you will soon no longer be able to get them: if you meet this requirement, send the request immediately

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If you meet the requirement to have this expiring bonus we recommend that you send the application immediately to avoid being cut off.

For some years now, the Italian economy has been making a series of bonuses available to its citizens which allow everyone to have additional sums at their disposal which can be relied on to cover certain expenses. In an increasingly precarious economic situation, bonuses end up being one of the few certainties we have available.

Of course, to have one you need to be in possession of certain specific requirements which do not always stop at the financial aspect alone, but go far beyond. Precisely for this reason to have a complete overview for those who are i bonuses available and still active.

There are cases in which the bonuses cover certain expenses, to allow you to receive a sort of reimbursement for the money spent. An example of this are the various bonuses regarding renovations, or the purchase of specific equipment.

If at the moment some bonuses are suspended, there are others that are perfectly active. So let’s delve deeper into this aspect which is truly very interesting for many, it will be possible to understand if you have it entitled to some amount.

Bonuses for the youngest

Let’s start with the segment of the population that most interests everyone, that of young people. For years we have been talking about young Italians without any protection, who cannot find work, who cannot have access to credit, who are unable to leave the family home, who are unable to build a future for themselves.

The reality is that this is not exactly the case, the Italian state has made a series of interesting bonuses available to them. This especially applies to eighteen-year-olds, those who are currently taking their final exams. The culture card bonus was designed for them ISEE less than 35 thousand euros and the merit card, which is awarded to those who pass the state exam with a grade of at least 100/100.

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The bonuses that can still be used

Those indicated above are not the only bonuses you can benefit from. There are other questions you can submit. First of all i house bonus, including the 70% superbonus, furniture renovation bonus, architectural barriers, ecobonus, earthquake bonus, green bonus and energy income. Each of them aims to encourage certain interventions on their homes and properties.

Great help comes then come on bonuses intended for the familysuch as family income, the much discussed social bonus inclusion allowance, nursery school and finally, single allowance for children.

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