Italy 24 Press News

Buy a garage in this city and make it an income | You earn €100,000 a year: in 3 months you’ve already made it back

garage – worthwhile as an investment – ​​ –

Nowadays you can hardly find a place where you can leave your car, not even for a fee: and often, not only in city centers which are chaotic and very frequent by definition, and for obvious reasons. This often happens even at home.

You find yourself with the car and you don’t know where to leave it: you have to go to an important appointment, or you have arrived at your home and yet there isn’t a single person there. hole to rest in, not legally at least. What are you doing?

It is obvious that no one would want to violate the rules relating to parking restrictions, both for a discussion of ethics and education and to avoid fines, which are often very expensive. So what to do?

Some people, at least those who can afford it, have thought, with excellent foresight, to do a economic investment in this sense. Which?

It’s about that of buy a garage: a purchase that is certainly not small on a financial level but which, be careful, can become a real investment and not just for exclusively private benefits.

Buy a garage and make money: many are doing it

There are legal possibilities of being able to make the box ‘profitable’, making it profitable: and there are those who, by doing this, have even earned a fortune: equal to approximately 100 thousand euros. It means that, thinking about the figures that are circulating, that in just three months from the purchase, if you make this choice, you have already recovered all the money on your investment. And the rest, from then on, is just profit.

It is estimated that approximately 48.5 percent of garages was bought as an investment: not a low figure, certainly, but one that makes you sleep soundly and not only that. The point is that not only would your car stay safe and parked, but you could earn an annual income daround 2000 and 7 thousand euros on average. Starting, obviously, from recovery initial amount of money spent.

garage box – –

Carport and garage, a profitable investment

Depending on the city, garages are not cheap, from around 90 thousand euros in cities like Verona and Bari to 80 thousand in Naples, around 65 thousand in Florence and so on. He’s there to beat everyone Rome with an average of 100 thousand euros. Obviously in these cases we are talking about the city center, and the further you go the less you pay.

When to the annuity? They are talking about a standard garage of 20 square meters, the monthly rent is around two hundred euros per Milan and Naples or Florenceand, and slightly below for Rome and Bologna, around 190, and gradually the various other cities. So just do a calculation and think of an interesting investment.

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